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Chuck Rambo
5 hours ago
What is this "radicalization" that you speak of? Because unless there are other "religions" that have that as a feature then it is unique to islam. Are there radical Lutherans? Catholics? Methodists? Buddhists? No? Never heard of those? No one has. And there is no such thing as radical islam. There is no special, secret text from their so-called prophet that is labeled Double Secret Radical islam.
There is only islam. And all of these acts of barbarism are integral with it. You people need to deal with reality.
frylock234 Chuck Rambo
5 hours ago
There are radical Christians, but the difference between Christianity and Islam is that radical Christians don't tend to go murderous in their zealotry. There is a secular YouTuber - Sargon of Akkad - who analyzed the two religions from an outside, non-religious perspective and said it best: Christianity is internally focused leading to attempts at self-improvement when followed logically and correctly. Islam is externally focused leading to attempts to force improvement on all around you when followed logically and correctly.
While we Christians will run around trying, sometimes very hard, to persuade you that you ought to care about the state of your soul, the state of your soul is not going to affect the state of ours. Whether or not we are ultimately saved is a personal thing between us and God; you don't factor in. For Muslims, salvation is about you and them and everyone else - All the world must be for Allah and part of the struggle is to fight toward making it so. That leads to radicalizing like we see where zealots will either convert you or kill you toward those ends.
Chuck Rambo frylock234
5 hours ago
I see it differently.
There are orthodox Christians and secular "Christians." This is the same with Judaism. You could also call them practicing and non-practicing. Or serious and unserious. Makes no difference. But they aren't murderous to those who believe differently.
islam is rather unique in that way in that they see the world as muslim or infidel. Infidels have but three options: conversion to islam, enslavement or death. muslims seem pretty keen on dishing out death as perhaps the other two options are more labor intensive and don't involve martyrdom and eternity with virgins. //
frylock234 Chuck Rambo
4 hours ago
Again, it's internally focused v. externally focused. If you are focused on your own internal state, and most of the tenets of Christianity (and Judaism as they have the same roots) are about how you personally make yourself a better person, then you are less likely to start acting murderous toward those around you who aren't likewise following your same faith.
But when your faith's tenets are less about how you personally must be and how the world around you must be ordered to satisfy the requirements of your faith, then you are going to be under pressure to force all around you to conform for the sake of your soul as much as their own. That can lead to murderous zealotry because everyone has to either conform to your needed moral/religious order or you have to remove them in order to create the spiritually ordered world necessary.
anon-5jj3 frylock234
5 hours ago
That’s how you know islam is not an abrahamic faith nor is Allah the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Temujin anon-5jj3
4 hours ago
Muhammad took the Hebrew story of Isaac and Ishmael, and turned it upside down, making Ishmael what the Bible says of Isaac. That's why the Jews of Arabia laughed at the illiterate clown Muhammed. And that's why Muslims have hated Jews for centuries.
Then Muhammad claimed that Ishmael was ancestor of the Arabs, for which there is no evidence at all. Islam is an enormous fraud. But so is socialism, which is why the Left defends Islam. //
Billy Wallace frylock234
5 hours ago edited
Well Robert Bowers and Dylann Roof are two examples of Christians who committed pretty serious acts of terrorism
there are currently 1.57 Billion Muslims in the world, and over 3.45 million just in the United States. One of four people on the earth are Muslims and 99.999999999% of the world's Muslims do not commit acts of terrorism
just like 99.9999999999% of NRA members don't go around shooting people, shall we also ban the NRA and guns?
we need to be really careful with scapegoating entire groups of people because of the Acts of a few idiots...
Chuck Rambo Billy Wallace
5 hours ago edited
Nice try. I don't recall ever hearing that they claimed to do it for Christianity. And were they actually Christians? Judas followed Christ but didn't seem to pass the test in the end. Also, there were almost certainly denunciations from every corner of Christendom. All you ever hear from the islamic communities is crickets when when these atrocities occur.
I'm guessing you have or have had one of those "coexist" bumper stickers on your car. Pretty hard to coexist with a group that deals in death to unbelievers.
If the election didn’t make this clear, I’ll state it as plainly as possible: We want less immigration. That includes H-1B workers.
Baby showers are a way culture and churches bestow value and honor to mothers and infants, unborn children, and growing families.
The Vigilant Fox 🦊 @VigilantFox
NEW: Stephen A. Smith praises MAGA for allowing an open debate about H-1B visas.
His comments serve as a stern rebuke to Dems for making you “obey the party line, or you’re out on your ass.”
“There was no debate [among Dems]. That’s why they’re home. And Donald Trump is on his… Show more
5:25 PM · Dec 31, 2024
"What has ailed the democrats?" he asked. "It's not an ideology alone," he explained, indicating the problem isn't just their political positions. It's that if you go against that narrative, "cancel culture kicked in." "There was no room for debate."
Smith's take on this was brilliant where he talks about the Democrats' "diversity" --- in identity politics -- but NOT in diversity of thought. You must get on board with what the party wants, or all that diversity doesn't matter, "you were pushed out...you must obey the party line or you're out on your ass."
But that's why the Democrats "are home. And Donald Trump is on his way back to the White House."
Notably and inexcusably, the FBI initially proclaimed this was not a terrorist attack, with the FBI Special Agent in Charge making that statement after New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell had already confirmed it was one. //
4 hours ago edited
Funny how the FBI “may never know the motive” of obvious terrorists but have no problem declaring the intentions of random groups of unarmed protestors are insurrectionists.
Without an understanding and appreciation of the culture we seek to preserve and protect, the defense of Western civilization is fundamentally futile; a culture that believes in nothing cannot defend itself, because it has nothing to defend. The past not only still has something to tell us, but it also has something that it must tell us. In this profound and wide-ranging historical survey, Michael Walsh illuminates the ways that the narrative and visual arts both reflect and affect the course of political history, outlining the way forward by arguing for the restoration of the Heroic Narrative that forms the basis of all Western cultural and religious traditions. Let us listen, then, to the angels of our nature, for better and worse. They have much to tell us, if only we will listen.
"I have no concerns about Elon Musk. I have been looking at pictures of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden meeting with Chinese political leaders lately that we were told didn’t exist," Jennings responded to Phillip.
Not only did Joe Biden get nailed — again — lying about not meeting with his son's [Chinese] business associates by the new pictures, but they didn't release them until after the election so they wouldn't hurt the Democrats. The media, like Phillip, want to ask about Musk, who has done nothing wrong, but they don't want to press on why Joe Biden lied and Biden's conflicts. Where is the investigation from the media into all the money the Bidens got from foreign nationals? And there hasn't been any real oversight/accountability for Joe Biden's actions on this for all his time occupying office.
"So for all the people who are really concerned about Elon Musk having a very successful international business that actually produces things, that actually produces vehicles or rockets or whatever they're doing," Jennings said.
"The Bidens produced nothing, yet were also 'doing business in China.' So I don't accept this.". //
32 minutes ago
Why don't they talk about/bring up John Kerry talking with Iran secretly when Trump was POTUS.
anon-x8p1 St.Elder
25 minutes ago
How about St Jimmy Carter writing all the heads of state in secret to ignoreBush and the US, when it was ready to go into its Iraq debacle?
the Amish of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, have risen like cream to the top. This is not even their region of the country, but a group of them with “Cabins for Christ” came down in October, created campsites for themselves away from the wreckage so that they would not disrupt the cleanup and assessment, and set themselves to build homes for the people who had lost theirs.
Matt Van Swol @matt_vanswol
🚨#BREAKING: Boone NC officials have confirmed that 62 members of the Pennsylvania Amish community have completed the construction of 12 tiny homes in under 48 hours.
The total cost of the project for #WNC was over $300,000, all of which was donated by the Amish community.
8:48 AM · Dec 31, 2024 //
Matt Van Swol @matt_vanswol
🚨#BREAKING: FEMA has officially confirmed that out of the 26 families that were told they would receive a temporary home before Christmas...
...only 3 families received one
You read that right. THREE.
9:39 PM · Dec 30, 2024. //
Twelve homes in 48 hours versus three homes over three months. Really awful optics for FEMA. Maybe all that disaster money should be given to Amish communities.
Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his annual New Year's Eve address, reiterated his claim that Taiwan would "surely be reunified" with China.
His message comes ahead of Taiwan's crucial 13 January elections that will determine the island's cross-strait policy for the next four years. //
In his speech, Chairman Xi also struck a more diplomatic tone towards the United States:
Mr Xi noted that "adhering to mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation is the correct way for China and the United States to interact", according to Reuters, which cited Chinese state media outlet CCTV.
The problem with that is that, as we all know, the art of diplomacy consists primarily of saying "Nice doggy, nice doggy" until you can find a rock. China is making moves in the western Pacific, and at the moment, the United States is far from in the best position to counter any Chinese efforts.
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Research results and inventions have been converted to use by evil people with evil intentions. The thought of Communist China or Mideast terrorists using swarms of mosquitoes as "flying syringes" against those they seek to destroy is beyond terrifying.
Steve Guest @SteveGuest
.@ScottJenningsKY: “In the run up to the Persian Gulf War, [Jimmy Carter] wrote letters, to all of our allies, and to Arab States, asking them to abandon their cooperation and coalition with the USA.. if it’s not treasonous, it’s borderline treasonous.” 🔥
11:18 PM · Dec 30, 2024
JENNINGS: In the run-up to the Persian Gulf War, he wrote letters to all of our allies and to Arab states, asking them to abandon their cooperation and coalition with the United States of America. If it's not treasonous, it's borderline treasonous, and so I hear what you're saying about the humanitarianism, but when you're an ex-president, and you have served in that office, I think you have a duty to the United States and only to the United States, and when he did that and other instances, to me, it showed that he cared more about his own legacy than he did about the country, and I think that is wrong. //
Scott Jennings @ScottJenningsKY
My thoughts on Jimmy Carter’s legacy last night on @cnn: terrible president, soundly rejected by the American people. Even worse ex-president, whose meddling in US foreign policy & virulent anti-Israel/anti-Semitic views must not be forgotten. Undermined US interests repeatedly.
6:58 AM · Dec 31, 2024
Ricardo Dale
4 hours ago
Carter handed us the current terror state that is Iran. Then he called Israel an "apartheid state." He is only partially redeemed by the fact that Joe Biden was worse by a large margin...
Dawn Buckingham @DrBuckinghamTX
Washington bureaucrats have had their chance, and they’ve failed. It’s time to let states lead the way. Local control means better schools, less red tape, and more opportunities for our kids. Eliminating the Department of Education is a step toward empowering states and communities to decide what’s best for their students.
2:24 PM · Dec 29, 2024. //
Robert Bortins @TheRobertBshow
Jimmy Carter - R.I.P. 2024
Department of Education - R.I.P. 2025
7:54 PM · Dec 30, 2024
Ahead of a January 23 shareholder meeting, Costco is urging shareholders to vote against a measure that would limit the company's DEI commitment after receiving a proposal about doing away with what was described as "discriminatory practices." //
The proposal also reveals a curious move on the part of Costco, that of a revamping of the name of their DEI program to the innocent-sounding "People and Communities.". //
Costco may have renamed its DEI policies, but it is the same old playbook. The program still adheres to a "commitment to equity," not outcome and opportunity, and there is still a position for a "Chief Diversity Officer," whose job entails picking suppliers "based on their race and sex," and appears to "continue to factor in race and sex in hiring and promotions," and what should get the attention of many shareholders, the proposal states that the program "still contributes shareholder money to organizations that advance the discriminatory agenda of DEI.”
it's an opportune time to refresh ourselves on some of the traditions and rituals that occur on the death of the person who wore the illustrious mantle of the leader of the free world.
The liberal-left reaps what it sows. It was not merely Trump that was chosen. It was the not-Democrat, the option that wasn’t in power. A vote is a middle finger aimed to the sky. In the heat of all this, the liberal-left will have to recalibrate or dissolve. Radical chic is fading. The Hitler analogies are played out. So are the speech wars. They will have to, somehow, consider material conditions. This is never easy if you’ve never lived anything close to a precarious life. Harder, still, if you’ve allowed condescension and indignation to become the pillars of a worldview. The smug never inherit the Earth. If only the Bible printed this, or someone took it to cable television in time. Much grief could have been saved.
The smug never inherit the Earth.
Joe Biden spent the first half of his presidency enacting plans to steer at least $1.6 trillion to transform the economy and spur a clean-energy revolution — only to watch those programs become afterthoughts in the 2024 election.
Now the core of his domestic legacy stands unfinished, with hundreds of billions of dollars left to deploy, and imperiled as Donald Trump prepares to take office.
Keep in mind, essentially all the money mentioned above was appropriated back in 2021, with the rest coming via the Inflation Reduction Act of mid-2022. This wasn't a case of Biden simply running out of time because he passed an infrastructure bill six months before the election. The administration had years to expand broadband and build the electric vehicle charging stations it promised, but the actual results were disastrous. //
A $42 billion expansion made in November of 2021 to expand broadband has connected zero homes to the internet. Meanwhile, and this garnered several mentions during the 2024 campaign, $7.5 billion appropriated for EV chargers has produced just 47 stations nationwide. For context, the program promised 500,000 chargers.
What's so comical about this, though, is that the primary reason Biden's agenda fell flat is because of the very bureaucratic state he and his party created and protected. Much of the money was allocated to various government agencies that are staffed by far-left, career bureaucrats who wouldn't know efficiency if it punched them in the face. On the contrary, being as inefficient as possible represents job security for the bureaucracy. If they don't solve problems, then the money just keeps flowing.
Hilariously, in the case of the EV chargers, government DEI requirements played a role in stifling the program. //
There is an obvious lesson here, which is that the bureaucratic state is terrible for America and needs deep reforms to stop the waste and inefficiency that infests it. Will Democrats who are crying about Biden's agenda being hampered support that? Of course, they won't. Instead, they'll keep making excuses and protecting the bureaucracy as if it were one of their own children because it is currently their sole source of power. Still, it is deeply ironic that their sacred cow played a role in Democrats face-planting in 2024. It was well-deserved.
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