Daily Shaarli

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Today - September 18, 2024

LinkedIn “Disappears” Another Energy/Climate “Realist” – Watts Up With That?

Guest “Make Orwell Fiction Again!” by David Middleton.

David Blackmon is a highly regarded energy and oil industry analyst. His work has often been featured here on WUWT. He is was one of my LinkedIn connections.

Dear LinkedIn: Why Have I Been Suspended? by David Blackmon


While it is possible that someone hacked his account, I think it’s more likely that a ski instructor, pilot/songwriter or some other LinkedIn-recognized energy experts complained about something he posted.

David Blackmon’s Substack is very appropriately titled “Energy Transition Absurdities.”

Who Had Chris Cuomo Apologizing to Trump on Their Bingo Card? – RedState

Media talking heads like former CNN and current News Nation correspondent Chris Cuomo, who were vociferous about how dangerous, stupid, and corrupt Donald Trump is, are now seeing him through new eyes after not one but two attempted assassinations.

I did not have that on my 2024 Bingo card.

On Monday, Cuomo did an 18-minute monologue about this change of perspective on the matters of this election and on Donald Trump. Cuomo talked about it being his mother's birthday and him asking her what she wants to see in the world. Mama Cuomo insisted that she wished people would come together. That family and community are the linchpins of our society. From there, Cuomo launched into what turned out to be an amazingly thoughtful treatise on what America could be, and what it will take to get there.

I don't know if enough of us believe that anymore. The unique truth about America is that she only works if we tap into our interconnectedness and "interdependentness." Those are big words indicating a simple idea: Here, we have to care about one another. It is our only bond. We don't have homogeneity, we don't have common heritage or even really culture. What we have and what has made our greatness so durable is our ability to combine to magnified effect. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

And the great news is, we have so much more potential in America than I see anywhere else.

Who red-pilled Chris Cuomo? Who knew Fredo could actually reason?

We are so desperate to drag ourselves away from greatness, from progress, from each other. That is what I see that really bothers me, and the reaction and lack of reaction to the second attempt on Trump in the last couple of months. Oh, but the guy didn't even shoot. What if it was your father? Or what if it was Kamala Harris? Or President Biden—God forbid. Do you think it would be almost a shoulder shrug and more talk about the Secret Service and allocation of funds than just how crazy it is that this is what's happening in our country? That reaction of, well, come on, don't make too much of it. He had an AK-47 pointed at him! The reaction is unacceptable, and it's the second time media and political players have gotten away with playing down what should be a cause for panic. //

But the sheer fact that this man who has spent countless hours and years on cable television bashing Donald Trump is now able to put himself in another man's shoes and reach out. "I'm not supporting Trump, I'm supporting us," is a profound statement and in a way, kind of mind-blowing.

JD Vance admits he is willing to ‘create stories’ to get media attention | US elections 2024 | The Guardian

Republican vice-presidential candidate defends spreading false, racist claims demonizing Haitian immigrants. //

Vance’s remarks came during an appearance on Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, where he said he felt the need “to create stories so that the … media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people”.

Asked by the CNN host Dana Bash whether the false rumors centering on Springfield, Ohio, were “a story that you created”, Vance replied, “Yes!” He then said the claims were rooted in “accounts from … constituents” and that he as well as the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, had spoken publicly about them to draw attention to Springfield’s relatively large Haitian population.

Pure Gold: JD Vance Blasts Dem/Media Hypocrisy Over Rhetoric – RedState

This is the difference between debate--even aggressive debate--and censorship. It is one thing to attack Kamala Harris for "destroying the country" and quite another to say that President Trump should be "eliminated." It is one thing to criticize overheated rhetoric, and another to say that a former president has invited an assassination on himself. It is one thing to say that Donald J. Trump's arguments about the election of 2020 are wrong; it is another thing to attempt to remove him from the ballot over it.

It is one thing to say that pets are not, in fact being eaten, and another thing to say that anyone who disagrees is trying to murder people. Dissent, even vigorous dissent, is a great tradition of the United States. Censorship is not.

For the next 7 weeks of this campaign, I will vigorously defend your right to speak your mind. I believe you have every right to criticize me and Donald J. Trump, even if you say terrible or untrue things about us. But when I ask you to "tone down the rhetoric" it's not about being nice--our citizens have every right to be mean, even if I don't like it--or empty platitudes.

Instead, I'm asking all of us to reject censorship. Reject the idea that you can control what other people think and say. Embrace persuasion of your fellow citizens over silencing them--either through the powers of Big Tech or through moral blackmail.

I think this will make our public debate much better. But there's something else. Reject censorship and you reject political violence. Embrace censorship, and you will inevitably embrace violence on its behalf.

The reason is simple. The logic of censorship leads directly to one place, for there is only one way to permanently silence a human being: put a bullet in his brain.

Trump Assassin Was Hidden at Trump's Golf Club for 12 Hours Before He Was Discovered – RedState

Would-be Donald Trump assassin and leftist tool Ryan Routh apparently arrived at his firing position nearly twelve hours before the Secret Service discovered him on Sunday. Cell phone data indicates that Ryan Wesley Routh arrived at the tree line fence near the Trump International Golf Club at 1:59 a.m. Sunday. The former president's security detail discovered him at 1:31 p.m. //

In the area of the tree line from which ROUTH fled, agents found a digital camera, two (2) bags, including a backpack, a loaded SKS-style, 7.62x39 caliber rifle with a scope, and a black plastic bag containing food. The serial number on the SKS-style rifle was obliterated and unreadable to the naked eye.

The rifle appears to be a Chinese knock-off of the ancient Soviet SKS made by Norinco. The SKS, scope or no scope, is not the rifle, nor does it fire the round (Warsaw Pact 7.62mm x 39mm) needed for reliable shooting at any distance. //

Had he had sufficient skills to avoid sticking the barrel of the rifle through the fence, he could very well have succeeded.

At approximately 1:31 PM, a United States Secret Service ("USSS") Special Agent assigned to the former President's security detail was walking the perimeter of Trump International when the USSS Agent saw what appeared to be a rifle poking out of the tree line. //

anon-brte a day ago

A simple sweep with an infrared camera should have picked him up. That's pretty basic tech and not a function of understaffing. Yet another easily preventable situation botched by the SS, which is of course ultimately under DHS Sec Mayorkas and Pres Biden. Meanwhile, the MSM is obsessed with talking about whether Haitian illegals are eating cats in Springfield OH. //

Billy Wallace DoubleXman a day ago

They did secure it, the got the guy who was outside of the course itself

Min Headroom llme Billy Wallace a day ago

No they didn’t. Looking at the aerial map, this was an obvious point of vulnerability, compared to much of the course; it should have gotten special attention. To a significant extent, this is a replay of failing to secure the most obvious rooftop at Butler. The USSS needs some basic site and perimeter skills it either doesn’t have or isn’t choosing to use. //

etba_ss anon-brte a day ago

If the MSM is talking about Haitian illegals not eating cats, we are still winning the argument. The point isn't that they eat cats, that was just the clickbait that got the story going. The point is that tens of thousands of immigrants are being dumped into communities, overrunning them and destroying them. Whether they are eating pets or just raping and pillaging and not eating pets, doesn't make that much of a difference.

Some stories you win by simply getting them covered, even if they are claiming a real problem is not a problem.

REPORT: Mossad Intercepted Hezbollah Pager Shipment, Loaded Them With Explosives – RedState

The Israeli spy agency Mossad allegedly intercepted Hezbollah’s shipment of new pagers months ago and rigged them with high explosives — resulting in the stunning attack on the Lebanese terror group Tuesday, according to a new report.

Mossad agents reportedly placed Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), a highly explosive material, inside the batteries of the pagers, sources told Sky News Arabia, according to a translation from the Times of Israel.

The devices were then detonated by an external signal that caused the batteries inside to overheat, the sources added. //

This once again proves the old maxim: There is no problem that cannot be solved with the suitable application of high explosives.