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The Supreme Court will be hearing a J6 case called USA vs. Fischer in eight to ten weeks. They will give a ruling in June, and that will either bring down this entire house of cards, or it will bring down the pretense that we have a rule of law in our nation. //
The Department of Justice is using a sledgehammer to get people to plead to lesser charges by separating the concept of mens rea (“guilty mind” in Latin) from that of the act of the crime itself. Her question: Can a "subset of a statute be orphaned from its parent?"
This is absurd reasoning and is the best one-liner I've ever heard, "Congress does not hide elephants in mouseholes." It's crazy! //
18 hours ago
1962, JFK allowed government employees to unionize. America has never been the same since. 22 million people now work for the government at some level; most belong to a union - teachers unions, SEIU, AFSCME ....etc
That is your divide in America - those voting for their own vested interests taking more of our tax dollars for themselves and working hard to control all election outcomes. Including staffing virtually all county election offices who control counting the votes.
Think of the reach of their organized government employee union power today over every single aspect of our lives, and the fact they vote 99% Democrat.
Even the media are union members - SAG and AFTRA. There is your hive mind.
Thomas Massie
Replying to @RepThomasMassie
A one hour kitchen timer on a bomb allegedly placed 17 hours earlier. How could that be operable?
Could the detonator even function?
Did it contain explosives?
Remarkable timing of discovery.
6:32 AM · Jan 24, 2024 //
4 hours ago
We don't know who left the Coke in the White House, who planted the bomb, or who the Supreme Court leaker was! What do all of these things have in common? //
St. Joseph, Terror of Demons
6 hours ago
So the cell phone data is corrupted, the video quality isn’t great, the pipe bomb was conveniently found immediately after the RNC bomb was found after supposedly laying in the park overnight, and it had a one-hour kitchen timer on it.
There are so many holes in this story that it reminds me of all the “coincidental” things that occurred with Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide.” //
5 hours ago
Secret Service protecting a VP "elect" casually walking over to a "pipe bomb", having a look and doing nothing. Allowing civilians to walk right by. The reaction says it all. They new it wasn't a live pipe bomb. They knew it wasn't dangerous. They knew it was a plant and part of the day's plan.
There is no way anyone can convince me otherwise. We need to have a public hearing where each of those police officers and secret service agents must account for the reactions (or lack thereof) to what we have all been told was an imminent mortal threat. //
Native Phoenician
6 hours ago
The transcript is amazing! I would love to see the video. Man, that seemed so squirmy, squirmy, squirmy. He was answering questions not asked, interrupting the questions, apologizing and rambling on and on. Exactly the type of interview I would expect from someone hiding lots of things.
Sources told Fox that Thompson said he would be turning over four terabytes of data, then turned over only about two. But Loudermilk's Committee hired a forensics team to scrape the hard drives and found out that 117 files were deleted and encrypted. They were deleted on Jan. 1, 2023 – just days before the GOP was to take over and Thompson had to turn over the data.
But even though they tried to delete the information, it looks like they weren't smart enough to do it right. According to the report, the forensics team recovered all 117 deleted and encrypted files, and now Loudermilk is demanding to know what was going on here and how to get into the files. //
"You wrote that you sent specific transcribed interviews and depositions to the White House and Department of Homeland Security but did not archive them with the Clerk of the House," the letter says. Why are they sending the interviews/depositions to the White House but not recording them for the archives as they are supposed to? Sounds like they're trying to give the Biden White House a heads up, but not Congress and the American people.
Tucker's report covers a video was released through the efforts of Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY).
He spoke with Revolver News' Darren Beattie about the video. The video shows a man approaching law enforcement parked outside the DNC building at around 1:05 p.m. on Jan. 6. Beattie claims the man is telling them about the pipe bomb that is feet away. Kamala Harris was supposed to be visiting there as well. People walk by including children, but the police make no effort to stop them. An officer approaches where the bomb is and takes a picture of it. The police subsequently call in a "bomb-safe robot" to diffuse it, Beattie says.
So among the questions Beattie raises and the video raises are why do they initially appear lackadaisical and unconcerned? Why wasn't it found before this if Harris was supposed to be there, shouldn't they have done a sweep and wouldn't that have found the bomb if it had been sitting out there for 17 hours from the night before? Why didn't anyone else find it before that? Why didn't Harris milk the fact, as you might normally think she might? And who is the guy who told them this information, right around the time the riot is kicking off at the Capitol?
Army Colonel: 'J6 Committee Investigator Told Me Army J6 Testimonies Were Irreconcilable' – RedState
Col. Earl G. Matthews, the Army colonel who served as the senior legal advisor to Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the commanding general of the District of Columbia Army National Guard during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill protests, told RedState that Bryan A. Bonner, an investigative counsel for the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, acknowledged to him that the J6 narrative spun by senior Army leaders was flawed, and he would pursue the discrepancies.
“He told me that he knew that there were major problems with the DOD’s Inspector General report and that he was going to recommend to the committee that they go back to DOD and figure out what went wrong,” said Matthews, who, on Oct. 20, filed a 37-page Whistleblower Reprisal Complaint with the Pentagon's inspector general requesting the IG correct its report to bring it into alignment with events and conversations surrounding J6 that he witnessed.
They allege Capitol CCTV footage blows up the story told by a member of Nancy Pelosi's security detail -- Special Agent David Lazarus. Lazarus gave testimony corroborating another Capitol police officer's account, claiming that he had an antagonistic encounter with the Oath Keepers. But The Blaze report says what Lazarus claimed couldn't possibly be true.
Steve Baker, the investigative reporter on the story, walks through the timeline of events and alleges that Lazarus was elsewhere at the time of the purported incident, not at the site of the incident when it purportedly happened. They point out other conflicts in the testimony as well as to who saw what when.
This is truly wild and very disturbing. //
If you can't get equal justice under the law, where does that leave our Constitutional Republic? And as Baker also notes, if this is true, then what else are they not telling the truth about? //
Largo Patriot
an hour ago edited
Who made the decision to withhold exculpatory videos from J6 defendants and their attorneys knowing this decision violated their right to a fair trial? Jacob Chansley (the Shaman) was immediately released from prison after Tucker Carlson aired the video of him peacefully walking into the Capitol and being escorted around the building by police officers. The video, which was not made available to Mr. Chansley and his attorneys, contradicted the government's allegations that he encouraged violent protesters to force their way into the Capitol and assault police officers in the process. In fact, Mr. Chansley entered the building alone and interacted only with police officers while inside. There is nothing in the video, which government prosecutors saw prior to filing the indictment against him, that supports the allegations in the indictment other than the allegations that he attended the January 6th protest and entered the building. Based on video evidence now available to the public, prosecutors made allegations against members of the Oath Keepers knowing that their witness lied about the interaction between them and Officer Harry Dunn.
In a victory for the Justice Department and against commonsense, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday that merely being in the Capitol was enough to merit conviction for “disorderly” or “disruptive” conduct.
A three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that they were participants if people were aware of what was happening around them. //
“Even passive, quiet and nonviolent conduct can be disorderly,” Henderson added, citing Supreme Court precedent that held sit-ins or protests that block traffic can be disorderly.
Compare and contrast this novel concept of "disorderly conduct" with the free pass given to all George Floyd Memorial Riot and Looting Festival participants. //
The Court [SCOTUS] has consistently over that time rejected the expansive application of statutory language by DOJ in the area of “obstruction of justice.” It has narrowly construed language such that an “ordinary person” would realize when his or her conduct crossed the line into criminal “obstructive” behavior. If Congress wants broader application, Congress needs to speak clearly by using expressly broader language.
What the DC Circuit has done is nothing other than legitimize a political vendetta. If we are ever fortunate enough to get another workable GOP majority in the House and Senate, the judges who validated this abuse must be held to account. Impeachment, even if failing to remove them from office, would at least deter other judges from acting like sock puppets to the Department of Justice. //
6 hours ago
Pro-Hamas can storm the capitol. Pro-Americans cannot set foot in it.
Liberals can shout down conservatives on campus, conservatives on campus aren't even allowed to breathe.
Leftist can burn down buildings and cities, conservatives can't pray outside an abortion clinic.
Someday the pendulum will swing the other way and I intend to take full advantage of it. //
4 hours ago edited
So accepting an invitation from a uniformed police officer to enter "the people's house" still makes one guilty of disorderly conduct if one's politics is of the wrong persuasion.
Yet some of the officers wearing the same uniform admitted they caused the riot by firing rubber bullets and pepper spray into a peaceful crowd.
One presumes [yes, wrongly but bear with me] that police officers KNOW and understand the laws they are sworn to enforce. so...wouldn't them inviting people in --against the law---be entrapment?
On anything related to "justice" in the District of Corruption, there is no perversion of law which would really surprise me. Disgust is a whole other critter, though.
In what could possibly be a major revelation related to the J6 riot at the U.S. Capitol building, a recent report suggests that Capitol Police fired rubber bullets into a peaceful crowd of Trump supporters during the incident. If true, this development raises serious questions about the potential role of law enforcement in the escalation of violence on that day.
More footage from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, further contradicts the left-wing narrative that the day’s events constituted a “violent insurrection” wherein democracy itself was placed in jeopardy at the hands of virulent demonstrators. //
Michael Tracey @mtracey
Jan 6 defendants have long argued that the initial entrants were peaceably escorted into the building by Capitol Police, and therefore had no reasonable expectation that their conduct was unlawful
This video, suppressed for almost 3 years, confirms it
0:00 / 1:15
6:00 AM · Nov 18, 2023 -- https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1725831246603800650
Mike Lee @BasedMikeLee
Liz, we’ve seen footage like that a million times.
You made sure we saw that—and nothing else.
It’s the other stuff—what you deliberately hid from us—that we find so upsetting.
Nice try.
P.S. How many of these guys are feds? (As if you’d ever tell us).
Liz Cheney @Liz_Cheney
Here’s some January 6th video for you.
Embedded video
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1:48 AM · Nov 18, 2023
Mike Lee @BasedMikeLee
We need to investigate the J6 committee.
1:08 AM · Nov 18, 2023 //
How many people were jailed for simply walking through the Capitol, who didn't hurt anyone and weren't in any way violent? And if those people had been involved in a leftist action -- doing the same thing -- we know the likelihood is that they wouldn't have faced the same consequences. How many undercover people were there, and what did they do? The Committee doesn't want us to know that -- a U.S. Senator hasn't even been told the truth on this.
The American people have a right to know the full truth. But that wasn't what they were getting from the Committee.
Committee on House Administration Access to USCP Video From January 6, 2021