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WELKER: We should note that FEMA funds were actually redirected on Donald Trump's watch to deal with the migrant issue. Let me ask you, you mentioned the medical records, should Trump...
I want to stop there because while Johnson fact-checks her, the bigger issue here is the framing. To these journalists, the illegal immigration issue is just a talking point. Context does not matter, which is why Welker thinks she has a gotcha moment. It's not, though. As Johnson points out, the fund in question is created and appropriated every fiscal year.
That means that what has been spent under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris is their responsibility. The amounts also matter. For example, under Trump, the EFSP-H was only given $30 million. In Biden's first year, the number was $150 million. //
In Johnson's segment with Kirsten Welker on "Meet the Press," Welker decided to insert the lie that the monies FEMA diverted from disaster preparedness and relief into "migrant resettlement" started under Donald Trump's administration. Johnson quickly divested this, and pointed out that the funding was not needed because Trump had secured the border. It was Biden-Harris who signed 92 executive orders to remove the proven border policies Trump had in place. The look on Welker's face alone is worth the watch.
I think it is inarguable that the military created by Joe Biden and Kamala is only fractionally as effective as the military under Trump. And even in Trump's first term, the rot of DEI and "gender equality" had already taken root. The failure of Biden and Harris is made clear every day as the only way the services make their manpower goals is by cutting end strength. //
The official and institutional embrace of sexual fetishes as a normal part of the military has been shocking. The clips Trump shows are nowhere near as bad as the situation really is. //
Kamala HQ @KamalaHQ
Trump says he will “fire” America’s military generals and replace them with MAGA loyalists, echoing Project 2025
12:24 PM · Jun 2, 2024 //
FOX NEWS: Are you going to fire those generals? The woke generals at the top?
TRUMP: Yes, I would get rid of them. Yeah. But see, now I know them. I didn’t know them before. But, you know, I came in, what do I know? I was a New York real estate person. But no, I’d fire. I would fire them. You can’t have woke military. //
If Trump intends to politicize the military, filling the ranks with loyalists, it sets the stage for a dramatic and fundamental change in how the United States is supposed to operate.
I'd encourage this guy to review how Thomas Jefferson dealt with known Federalist Army officers or ponder the fact that the military is not the civil service. The military is not an independent power center that has "equities." The president is the commander-in-chief. Every commissioned officer is appointed at each step of his career by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. I have a copy of the Congressional Record when the Senate voted to make me a second lieutenant. No one is advocating a partisan military, but Trump and many of us would like to return to the days when active-duty general officers, or even retired general officers, stayed out of partisan politics and basic standards of civilized behavior adhered to; see General Mark Milley Reportedly Stocking Up on Brown Trousers in Case Trump Is Reelected – RedState. The president has the right, and I would argue the duty, to ensure that senior officers faithfully execute his will and not sandbag him behind his back.
The former president has lashed out at generals before, but this was new. Trump apparently envisions a system in which U.S. military leaders will be subjected to some kind of ideological review, in which members of a task force — whose members will presumably be appointed by Trump — will go about assessing the generals’ and admirals’ personal attitudes.
Those deemed “woke” will apparently see their military careers curtailed.
What could possibly go wrong?
There is nothing wrong with Trump doing just that, and the worst results of that process would not be as bad as what we've seen with the military being suborned on a wholesale level by the left. //
2 days ago
Step 1: Politicize the military
Step 2: Complain about the politicization of the military when someone tries to depoliticize it //
2 days ago
The (false) assumption by this leftist tool is that the CURRENT military leadership is somehow apolitical. Nothing could be further from the truth. Obama retired hundreds of officers who didn’t support his view of the military, enabling the remainder to be politicized to implement the leftist agenda. Trump needs to purge (yes, the correct term) any officer at any level who supports the “woke” agenda and has implemented DEI policies from the last administration. If the leftist don’t like it, tough doo doo.
Oh, and call Miley back to active duty so he can be reduced in rank and court martialed. //
a day ago edited
Obama was the one who purged the military of officers who believed in the rule of law and constitutional governance. All Trump proposes is righting the ship. //
DoctorB92 anon-kvbw
a day ago
I was Army during the Obama reign of terror and I don't recall the number but he purged hundreds of Army officers at the general down to the colonel level because of their lack of social conscienceness or something like that. He forced warriors out and put in politicos and now we are continuing to reap the fruits of that disaster.
Mossad Commentary @MOSSADil
What did Prime Minister Netanyahu tell you about his plans related to retaliation
Biden: He's coming over to help with the storm
3:05 PM · Oct 10, 2024
Ironically, he's sort of right. Netanyahu is dealing with the "storm" that Obama/Biden/Harris created in the Middle East by continuing to prop up the mullahs. //
Greg Price @greg_price11
Biden tells Trump to "get a life, man" and "help these people" who were victims of the hurricanes.
Pres. Trump visited NC and GA and raised millions of dollars for the victims even though he is not the one currently in charge of the government.
2:21 PM · Oct 10, 2024 //
He scolded the media for not holding up the narrative enough, saying the public would hold Trump accountable. He also said that, "You, the press, should hold him accountable because you know the truth," pointing his finger at them in an accusatory manner.
"Do you plan to speak with former President Trump at all?" a reporter asked.
"No!" Biden retorted, as he went out the door.
Hold Trump accountable for what? //
Eric Trump @EricTrump
Honored to have 275 incredible linemen from FPL at @TrumpDoral as they get ready to respond to the aftermath of Hurricane #Milton! You are amazing and the Trump Family, and entire state of Florida, appreciates you! Enjoy the rooms - they are the best in Florida! Be safe! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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12:02 PM · Oct 9, 2024 //
6 hours ago edited
For the love of God, would someone just ask him if he is happy he stole the 2020 election already?
I want to hear him admit it before he croaks.
kamief pinkunicorns
3 hours ago
He did admit it. Before it happened. Bragged about it, but.......................He miss spoke or some crap.
His new film “Line in the Sand,” however, may go down as his biggest achievement yet, as it is a powerful, moving look at the border crisis, the human trafficking that goes with it, and the moral rot at the center. /)
I asked him what surprised him most while making this film, and he said it was the endless grift:
All the people that are on the take, all the people that were making money off of this. All the people that were not willing to do the right thing because they wanted to benefit. I don't know if that was surprising—but it was shocking to hear what people were saying.
James O'Keefe
Line in the Sand (2024) - Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film
Undercover journalist James O'Keefe goes to the front lines of the migrant industrial complex using hidden cameras and raw testimonials. O'Keefe reveals the shocking reality of the U.S.…
Embedded video
11:06 PM · Oct 9, 2024 //
Perhaps the most interesting thing he revealed, however, is just how much money is involved in perpetuating the problem and how many people on both sides of the boundary are benefitting from it—even as it endangers our country and causes misery for untold thousands (millions?).
Although O’Keefe didn’t get especially political in the film, the reality that he deftly portrays is one of a humanitarian disaster in large part caused by the corrupt Biden-Harris regime, aided and abetted by NGOs and others profiting from pain.
Many of the residents we spoke with lost their homes to landslides and flooding during Hurricane Helene.
The Daily Signal asked people a simple question: “What do you want to say to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris?”
An overwhelming majority said that they are frustrated that the U.S. government is spending billions of dollars abroad instead of helping American citizens first.
Frank Butera, a business owner in Lake Lure, said, “It’s nice that you’re helping the illegal immigrants, but it’s time to help us people that paid taxes all our life.”
Media Research Center
Must watch TV as the Press Briefing leads to KJP storming out
Peter Doocy & KJP get heated over Biden sending money to Lebanon without Congressional approval but refusing to do so for North Carolina.
Doocy: "You can't call a question you don't like misinformation."
3:03 PM · Oct 7, 2024. //
But as Doocy pointed out, Biden is "fond" of saying, "Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value.". //
Imagine you're suffering from the hurricane or you have family who are, and you see that, what must you think? Why can't that money be deployed for hurricane relief if it can be deployed for relief for people in Lebanon? And why are you spending it on Lebanon?
Doocy also noted that Joe Biden was posting about how the Small Business Administration disaster loan program was going to be running out of money too, "if Congress doesn't come back."
To most people, Doocy explained, "A taxpayer dollar is a taxpayer dollar is a taxpayer dollar."
"That is not misinformation," he declared. "That is a FACT." //
30 minutes ago
What is asinine about the money to Lebanon, is the people who need "refugee" money are Hezbollah, their operatives and families who have been defeated by Israel.
So Israel finally gets rid of them and here we are paying for temporary housing for the terrorists. How nice of us.
Is Joe Biden - or whoever is pulling his strings (Jill) - trying to sabotage Kamala Harris' presidential campaign? Because if he were, it would be hard to see what he would be doing differently. //
One of two things is happening here: Either the Biden camp (and I think we all know who is really in charge in that group) is demonstrating a staggering display of incompetence in scheduling and they aren't even trying to speak to whoever is in charge of setting up Kamala Harris' string of feather-soft interviews, or the Biden camp is miffed at the way old Joe was shoved rudely aside (for which we can scarcely blame them) and is trying to deliberately sabotage the Harris run for the White House.
Or, we could embrace the power of "both."
While Harris was playing politics and trying to garner headlines by going after DeSantis, just a few hours later, Biden responded by saying he spoke to DeSantis and everything was great. //
She laid the groundwork for a narrative that DeSantis rebuffed federal help and was putting politics above the safety of Floridians, and no sooner than she did, Biden showed up to say the opposite. He could have easily played along and he didn't.
Is that just another coincidence? I can't say for sure, but man, does it feel like he's taking little shots at Harris throughout the campaign. In the last month alone, Biden has contradicted the vice president multiple times regarding her attempt to separate herself from the administration.
‘There is deep frustration,’ one North Carolina official who works with groups in the Hurricane-battered areas told The Federalist.
6 hours ago
They know they are going to lose. Projection: they may not peacefully transfer power.
Never forget they always accuse us of what they are. //
Laocoön of Troy
6 hours ago edited
If this is true...and I think it's likely...then Republican Governors all across the nation need to be prepared to deal with the violence quickly. One of Trump's failures in his first administration was the near-complete lack of action to confront and suppress any revolts that occur. This nation cannot survive another orgy of lootings, burnings, murders, and assaults that Trump tolerated during the George Floyd unrest.
During the 1906 earthquake and fire in San Francisco, the Army left their barracks with orders to shoot looters. I don't know if any looters were actually shot, but the threat alone facilitated cleanup, and restoration of services pretty quickly. If we have another wave of George Floyd-style revolts...and the Republicans sit on their hands as they did the first time...the political price to be paid will be unbelievable. That means you Gov Kemp and you too Gov Hogan. //
6 hours ago
If he thought Kamala was going to win he wouldn't be talking about transfer of power.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This story was first published August 9, 2024 at 6:56 PM EDT, but is being republished, with additional commentary, in light of additional media reports on the issue.)
Audio from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department's protective detail for President Joe Biden on July 17 was released Friday afternoon by Oversight Project, which obtained the recordings through a Freedom of Information Act request. Those recordings confirm RedState's reporting that Biden was first headed to University Medical Center, a trauma center, after he suddenly canceled a speaking engagement reportedly due to illness, then suddenly diverted directly to Harry Reid International Airport.
For his part, Biden just keeps tearing down that narrative in no uncertain terms. On Friday, he showed up in the White House briefing room and again reiterated that Harris owns every part of the administration's policies and decision-making. For context, he did the same thing while appearing on "The View" in late September, claiming that he had delegated most tasks to the vice president. //
BIDEN: Well, she's, I'm in constant contact with her. She's aware, we're all, we're singing from the same song sheet. We, she helped pass all the laws that are being deployed now. She was a major player in everything we've done, including passage of legislation we were told we could never pass. And she's been, and, her staff is interlocked with mine in terms of all the things we're doing. //
If there's one thing we know about Biden, it's that he's a petty, vindictive man. //
Biden has had ample opportunity at this point to help elevate Harris in what is already a tough race. Instead, he's repeatedly countered her campaign's narrative and not taken basic actions that could improve the environment she's running in. It's getting hard to believe it's not purposeful. //
39 minutes ago
I don't think he is fully aware of the consequences of his statements. He may think that he is helping Kamaala by saying she is a competent leader.
Jon from Richardson 75080
2 minutes ago
On the other hand, FOX News had a reporter reporting on striking dock workers. He asked the group how many were going to vote for Trump. ALL BUT ONE HAND WENT UP. The one guy who resisted was not going to explain why. //
2 hours ago
Any mention of the fact that the ILE strike ended about 3 hours after DeSantis did a presser that he was sending in the FL Nat'l Guard to secure and "restore operations" in Florida's many ports?
He folded the paper tiger faster than an origami contest.
Erick-Woods Erickson
Oct 04, 2024
A lot of people who think the government is a mess are upset that it has been slow to respond to Helene. Of course it has. What did you expect?
In fact, it was FIVE DAYS after the storm struck that Joe Biden really mobilized the government. The Southern Baptist Convention was already on the ground while the flood waters were still raging.
The government is not going to help you.
You think FEMA is a mess? You’re damn right it is. You do not need to imagine maliciousness when the government that got research showing COVID doesn’t spread well outside decided to shut down beaches. You do not need to imagine maliciousness when the government that got research showing COVID mostly does not affect kids chose to shut down elementary schools. You do not need to imagine maliciousness when the government cannot deliver the mail competently, which is an Article 1, Section 8 responsibility, unlike disaster relief.
Besides, these people are fools, and a dementia patient leads them.
Pete Buttigieg and the Biden Administration have hindered private aviation’s ability to rescue people and ferry supplies as needed because Buttigieg et al put their trust in Uncle Sam’s man boob. Meanwhile, in North Carolina, neighbors are helping neighbors. Towns are rallying. Private helicopter pilots are defying threats of arrest to rescue people. Private pilots are shuttling supplies as needed. Baptists and Mormons are working together as first responders.
The question should not be about the government stopping citizens' private charity but about the response of those citizens and communities to the government trying to stop them. After all, the government is ultimately beholden to the people.
Joe Biden's government wants people to rely on the government. After all, Democrats believe the government is the only thing we are all a part of. They forget about the community. We are all part of one. And our local community is what will help us through hard times. The local communities of North Carolina will provide more help than FEMA. The state government of North Carolina and its neighbors will provide more immediate resources and do more heavy lifting than the federal government and that is by design and how it should be.
FEMA has prioritized equity for relief distributions, and it’s still looking for underserved non-white communities in the mountains to help first.
FEMA and the feds should be a last resort. These disasters are best recovered at the state level, with an assist from the Feds. Local and state disasters are not, after all, in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.
Currently, however, some people on social media profit from rumors, unsourced allegations, and lies. My personal favorite is about Chimney Rock, NC, where the feds have purportedly told people they’re going to leave the bodies in the street and let them rot, then bulldoze the town and take the land. Seriously — that allegation had over 2,000,000 views on Twitter.
It is not true.
How do I know? I asked my friend who lives in Chimney Rock who survived the disaster.
Lots of people are showing drone footage, claiming no one is coming to help the locals. Well, someone is there—bulldozers and dump trucks are working. You can see them in the very footage used as proof no one is there to help.
It is probably not FEMA, but it is not supposed to be. Despite the branding, FEMA is not actually a first responder and never has been. We’ve only been conditioned to think FEMA comes first because of Anderson Cooper’s outrage about the incompetent state and federal response to Katrina on CNN in 2005.
The Southern Baptists always show up first.
Americans show up first. They are first in and last out, as they should be. The government is not malicious. The trolls are preying on many people’s existing distrust of government to sow more discord and division. If it sounds super outrageous online, it just might not be true. //
What is true is that Americans will take care of each other, with or without the federal government. And this, my friends, is another reminder that we should not grow the federal government for Republican purposes. We should gut it and encourage people to rely more on their local communities and states.
In his pamphlet, “A Simple Way To Pray,” Martin Luther said of the line “Give us this day our daily bread,” in the Lord’s Prayer, that we should reflect on it praying, in part, “Grant to every estate-townsman or farmer-to be diligent and to display charity and loyalty toward each other.”
We get our daily bread not directly from God, but from the farmer who grows the wheat, the harvester who harvests the wheat, the petrol man who makes the gas to fuel the combine and truck that goes to market, the grocer who sells it, and the relief operator who buys it and delivers it to the mountains to those in need. It is the body of Christ working and the people in communities working who are going to provide relief and rescue.
The government will not save us. FEMA will not save us. We will save each other.
“[S]eek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Je 29:7). (2016). Crossway Bibles.
The world is exploding – not just the Middle East. Russia is, again, rattling nuclear sabers. A thug union leader, who resembles Nikita Khrushchev playing a “mafia capo,” issued a Khrushchev-like “we will bury you” threat. A massive disaster is unfolding in America’s South. Joe has been napping.
The people close to him knew that he was a human train wreck. Jill Biden had to have known that even before he announced in 2020. Much like Edith Wilson taking the reins for her own addled husband, Jill Biden has been the titular president for at least two years. She knew. So did Kamala Harris. Not once has a debate moderator asked that very basic “leading” question.
"When did you know that Joe was incapable of being president?"
Sure, they would lie, but make her face the camera and lie to our faces.
Kamala Harris knew that her boss was incapable of acting as president, yet because of optics and Jill Biden's hubris, an addled, incompetent Joe Biden was “allowed” to stay in the presidency. A human head of broccoli is "running" the executive branch.
The world is falling apart but because of backroom politics, we have “Bob” from Shady Hills as President of the United States.
God Help Us. //
18 hours ago
They kept Joe in place so they could make the decisions and blame him when things went wrong. How much graft is going on behind the scenes to people that can legally claim they had nothing to do with the decision Joe made. //
Betsy Ross
20 hours ago
God stands back. He did with Israel. After doing EVERYTHING for his people, many times over, he allowed, what they allowed. You believe you are smarter than the Creator? You believe you can live among pagans and evil and take what you want from me and ignore what you don't like?
Prophets warned. People ignored.
Pretty much where we are.
Look around. People still believe government will save them. We have very little regard for the One who controls the universe.
Joe Biden is a perfect example of why governments have and will always fall. He believes he is God.
Seidhom said he tried to de-escalate and asked the official for instructions on how to communicate with the Lake Lure Fire Department while he was flying a rescue mission near the town. Seidhom said the fire official ordered him to leave and not come back.
“If that’s what you want us to do, we’ll leave no issue. And I explained to him that I left my son on the side of the mountain, and I left another victim. I was going to go back and bring them. It was already set up for the landing spot and then I would get out of his area. He told me I wasn’t going to go back up the mountain to get them, I was going to leave them there.”
Seidhom said he asked the official for a specific reason he was ordering him to stop his rescue efforts. “You’re interfering with my operation,” is the reason Seidhom said the fire official gave.
“I’m going back and getting my copilot. He said, ‘If you turn around and go back up the mountain, you’re going to be arrested.’ I said, ‘Well, sir, I’m going back to get my copilot, I don’t know what to tell you.'”
Seidhom said the official called over two law enforcement officers and again threatened him with arrest if he flew back up the mountain.
“At that point, I had to make a decision. I have a victim, I have my son, and I politely asked the officers, told him the situation again, explained everything, told them who I’d been coordinating with, and I said, ‘Hey if I go back up and get this victim and bring him down to this landing spot that other emergency personnel have designated, am I going to be arrested? And the officers’ response was, ‘Man, I really don’t know what to do in this situation.’ I said, ‘So you can’t tell me if I’m going to get arrested or not?’ And he said, ‘Man, I’m not sure what to do.'”
The out-of-state chief and fire captain Seidhom said he encountered at the landing zone spoke with him before he took off.
“They came back over and said, ‘Hey, man, we can’t tell you to go get the victim. We can’t even ask you to go get the victim, but we can tell you if you come back with the victim, we’ll have you a designated landing spot and we’ll make sure they don’t come over here,” Seidhom told WJZY.
“So, at that point, I felt like the other person was going to pressure him to arrest me when I come back with the victim and then my son would have been left on the side of a mountain with this person to go and rescue him,” Seidhom said. //
The fire official told Seidhom to report to the Rutherford County Airport and wait for Federal Aviation Administration officials to meet with him, according to Jordan Seidhom.
The father of two got back into his chopper, turned it in the direction of the mountain and lifted off right back to where he left his son and the woman’s husband. He picked his son up and told the husband what happened at the drop-off with the Lake Lure fire official.
Seidhom took off and looked back at the husband, standing helpless in his crumbling driveway as the help he thought would come for him flew away. Seidhom said the fire official told him the fire department’s ground crew would walk up the mountainside to rescue the man “in a few hours.” Seidhom said it was a three-minute flight from the couple’s driveway to the landing site where he left the woman with first responders.
Seidhom and his son flew to the Rutherford County airport, just as they were directed.
“I did leave the Rutherford Airport. I knew at that point he had no jurisdiction, I was legal in what I was doing, and I was following all FAA guidelines and airspace guidelines. I was on private property,” Seidhom said.
The Seidhoms spent three hours at the airport, but no one from the Federal Aviation Administration came.
Within a half-hour of the fire official and the arrest threat, Seidhom said a Temporary Flight Restriction was set up over the Lake Lure gap, right in the center of where he and the fire official faced off minutes earlier. //
Seidhom said the fire official told him to tell any other pilots he knew that they would also be arrested if they came back. Seidhom said he was the only helicopter within 40 nautical miles of Lake Lure at the time.
After the encounter with the fire official, Seidhom decided to fly back to his home in Pageland, South Carolina, and call off his efforts to help. //
“I’m sorry, if I had to do it over again, I would have stopped and I would have rescued as many people until they decided they were going to arrest me,” said Seidhom.
AkronMike 2 hours ago edited
Clearly, this malicious antipathy is intentional. So, the trillion dollar question is: why?
The Occam's Razor answer is that these suffering folks are mostly white, mostly Republican voters. So, the government doesn't care . . . or worse. If they die or are stuck wallowing in their destroyed homes, then they won't vote and key states go blue next month.
But my Spidey-senses tells me there might be something else going on. Maybe Joe Biden is getting payback against Harris-Pelosi-Shumer-Deep State for forcing him out. He's slow-walking all this aid to drive outrage in key swing states to ensure Harris loses those states.
Only the President can invoke Taft-Hartley to end a strike of national importance. But Brandon's not invoking the law . . . and it's going to bring lots of pain to lots of people ahead of the election.
Maybe Brandon has just enough grey matter left to get his revenge on those who crushed his dream of remaining President before he goes into a full vegetative state. Just maybe. //
Political-Paige 2 hours ago edited
NOBODY. Nobody on the planet is this incompetent. The only possible conclusion is that this is intentional.
NC is a critical swing state next month. The Dems are all clustered in the Piedmont to the east, where the academic & research triangle sits. The mountain side of the state (except for the lunatic clownshow of Asheville itself) is the Republican stronghold.
People with no power or water or livelihood don't vote.
Dead Republicans can't vote.
People who have been taught a lesson that failing to bend then knee has consequences are afraid to vote.
The only American disaster in my long life that would have bodies hanging in trees and underwater in cars a week out, that has no govt helicopter or supply support, that has government trying to actively BLOCK civilian rescue flights, is this one.
That can NOT be an accident.
So what's happening in WNC right now? Well, the sun has just come up, but:
- Yesterday, private NC & SC pilots airlifted 26 tons of food to us.
- Yesterday, the skies were full of private helicopters... not government.
- Yesterday, utility trucks from a plethora of southern states worked 24 hours to try to get power against massive odds.
- Yesterday, our local restaurants with any power or water at all gave free meals to everyone.
- Yesterday, donated water trucks pulled up in parking lots all over NC and people carried whatever they could: jugs, bottles, bins, even cat litter boxes, to scoop up some lifesaving water for their families.
- Yesterday, volunteers tried to clean up 500 mentally & physically disabled people left to rot in their own waste in a low-income complex in Asheville, but were deterred by looters.
- Yesterday, farmers from SC & north GA brought what feed they could to starving herds wandering WNC.
- Yesterday, animal shelters across the south desperately tried to find airlifts & transport for starving, stranded, & lost pets, but all the volunteer vehicles are needed to rescue people who are running out of time.
- Yesterday, police were ordered to stop anyone not local from taking passable interstates into the hard-hit areas, so volunteer relief supplies are stymied. One assumes they're acting on directives from the Democrat governor or FEMA bureaucrats. Social media was full of ways to out-fox them by taking passable back roads (scarce as those are).
- Yesterday, volunteers seeking FEMA in both SC and NC were turned away, but only after the FEMA workers took the meager cash donations they carried with them. FEMA, you see has smugly announced that it's out of money for this hurricane season, despite their 29.2 BILLION dollar budget and their decision APRIL 2024 to give 640,000,000 to DHS for illegal aliens.
Illegals will vote Democrat, now or later. 640 million.
WNC folks will vote Republican.
What's that tell you? //
Grumpy Right Seater 2 hours ago
Keeping the CNN crew out of a hard hit area is the same tactic used to keep news folks away from the Maui fire. Is this a new type of censorship? //
Random US Citizen 41 minutes ago
It’s on purpose. All those rural voters are cut off… but the big blue cities will be voting just fine. Harris was behind in NC… but there’s a very real chance she wins if actual Americans can’t submit ballots while those who are no longer our countrymen can stuff drop boxes like there’s no tomorrow. This could definitely swing the election.
As a side note: somebody should graffiti over the “Liberty” with Bragg on all the off post signs. //
Cafeblue32 2 hours ago edited
Biden: "We've given everything that we have."
If that's your best, then no wonder your party looks like a Chinese fire drill.
A smart party trying to win an election would have seen it as an opportunity for their candidate to take command of a tragedy dropped in her lap and show off her decision making and administrative chops, her being VP and all. But because they're rural folks, they must be Trump heads, so the instinct to punish them overides anything that might happen to be sane and logical. My granny used to call it cutting off your nose to spite your face. //
Ed in North Texas an hour ago
"...this is NOT the National Guard; it is the organization Ron DeSantis formed that caused some to befoul themselves over the thought that he may be going full Mussolini or something."
Texas formed the Texas State Guard in 1871 with Federal recognition starting in WW II. Among other missions, the State Guard takes over securing and operating the TXNG facilities on activation of the TXNG units to Federal service.
It has been nearly a week since Hurricane Helene hit western North Carolina, and Joe Biden has finally announced on behalf of whoever is running the country that he has authorized 1,000 federal troops from Fort Bragg (I will never call it anything else), North Carolina, to assist in disaster relief operations a mere 250 miles away in Western North Carolina.
These 1,000 troops will constitute the overwhelming federal military disaster response in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.
According to the Department of Defense, the federal military involvement in this five-state catastrophe is minimal:
- Four helicopters with para-rescue teams are at McGhee Tyson Airport in Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Eight Army helicopters and ten Navy helicopters were available at Fort Bragg on Monday.
- Thirty high-water vehicles are at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, for reasons that are unclear.
The critical resources needed in the hardest hit areas of Western North Carolina are helicopters for getting stranded people out of danger and bringing supplies to areas cut off by flooding. As of this afternoon, the only military aircraft available are 11 from Florida, two from South Carolina, seven from Tennessee, and one from Virginia. Some of those may be in use in North Carolina as both Florida and South Carolina have sent National Guard contingents to North Carolina.
A lot of hard questions are being asked.
As an aside, Howard's story of petty bickering among local officials seems to be spot on; see Pilot flying Helene rescue missions in NC ordered out, threatened with arrest.
The Civil Rights Lawyer @johnbryanesq
People are flying their own helicopters in and actively rescuing people in NC and local government officials are threatening them with arrest. You don’t hate your government enough.
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7:01 AM · Oct 1, 2024 //
To qualify for federal military assistance after a disaster, the Stafford Act must be invoked. This requires a governor to request assistance under that law. Biden declared a state of emergency in North Carolina on September 26 which released some federal aid. Governor Roy Cooper made a Stafford Act request on September 27), but Biden delayed invoking the Stafford Act until today, Wednesday. //
Note the tasking includes a single Forward Support Company. This is rather astounding as that unit has extremely limited capabilities. It has an aid station, a field kitchen, about a half-dozen trucks, and vehicle repair section. What is needed in Western North Carolina is emergency generators, communications, heavy engineering equipment, medical support, cargo haul capability, and helicopters. Even though Fort Bragg has well over 100 helicopters, only eight have been tasked to assist in recovery and relief operations.
Why has the tap been turned off to military assistance for North Carolina and other battered states? One can't help but remember this statement by Biden.
Greg Price @greg_price11
Reporter: "Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?"
Biden: "We've given everything that we have."
Reporter "Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?"
Biden: "No."
10:36 PM · Sep 29, 2024
And private helicopters flying rescue missions still outnumber military ones in the storm-blasted areas. //
President Joe Biden was speaking at the National Safer Communities Summit in Connecticut, calling for tougher gun control laws when he seemingly confused the audience by closing his speech with the phrase "God Save the Queen".
Videos of the president's unusual sign off quickly started circulating online, with social media users questioning what he meant.
The White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary, Olivia Dalton, later responded to reporters by saying the president was "commenting to someone in the crowd".
16 June 2023
Poor, agenda-driven choices made by FEMA, the Commerce Department and the FCC may be contributing to the death toll from Helene, and needlessly delaying recovery operations. //
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok
In case you’re wondering why the response to Hurricane Helene has been a disaster… Fema’s goal 1 is to instill equity as a foundation of emergency management. This is real
2:19 AM · Sep 30, 2024. //
Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸 @Bubblebathgirl
Biden’s FEMA just bent a knee to Elon Musk and is installing 30 Starlink received to help those affected by Hurricane Helene.
North Carolina would’ve had 19,522 Starlink kits installed now if the FCC hadn’t withdrawn the grant they had promised SpaceX.
4:05 PM · Sep 30, 2024 //
ALEX @ajtourville
FYI – North Carolina would have 19,522 working @Starlink kits available today after Hurricane Helene had the FCC not revoked in bad faith the grant that was awarded to SpaceX as the winning bidder.
10:21 PM · Sep 29, 2024