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Technology evolves and with it society evolves. It's been a tale as old as time, from the discovery of fire to the telegraph, humanity has changed alongside its discoveries and inventions. X opened up a completely new path for humanity that changed things radically and quickly. Many people are still catching up to these changes, as the shift hasn't been fully realized.
But a shift did happen, and the Democrats are behind on it, and because they're behind on it, you're now seeing an emperor with no clothes. They're nakedly lying in an attempt to manipulate you. You can now see their abuse of you in real time. They're exposed as the frauds they are, with no media protection available.
The new media is you. It's the citizenry. It's the people that don't run in elite circles. It's you and me.
And this is a fantastic development. Information should never be controlled by one overarching entity, as that will always lead to corruption. You can see just how corrupt things were right now as Democrats like AOC continue to operate in the old way.
But this is the new era. //
an hour ago
AOC is one of the youngest members in congress, yet she still operates by the old ways of Democrat propagandizing.
Democrats (progressives, Marxists, communists, whichever) are not known for new ideas, only for the theft of new ideas and attempting to repackage old crap with a new label.
The 2025 Presidential Transition Project, better known as Project 2025, is the effort of a broad coalition of more than 100 conservative organizations working together to ensure a successful new presidential administration begins Jan. 20.
Project 2025, spearheaded by The Heritage Foundation, seeks to restore democracy, to loosen it from the grip of the political elites in Washington, D.C.
But the fiercest attackers of Project 2025 are lining up to protect the deep state. In recent months, the project has faced outlandish, hyperbolic attacks. //
Myth 1: Project 2025 is part of Donald Trump’s campaign.
Project 2025 was launched in spring 2022, before any major presidential candidate, including Donald Trump, announced he or she was running for office. //
Project 2025 is about people and policy. It isn’t advocating any particular candidate, but rather conservative ideals. Democrats and independents are welcome to its reform proposals as much as Republicans are.
The commonsense ideas in “Mandate for Leadership” transcend any one individual. They represent the solutions that millions of conservative and independent-minded Americans need after years of failed liberal leadership and bureaucratic bloat.
Myth 2: Project 2025 calls for a nationwide ban on abortion, in vitro fertilization, and contraception.
This claim is an outright lie. There are no calls for a nationwide ban on abortion or contraception anywhere in “Mandate for Leadership” or any other Project 2025 materials. In vitro fertilization isn’t even mentioned. //
Myth 3: Project 2025 endorses the “authoritarian” unitary executive theory.
Project 2025 doesn’t mention the unitary executive theory. Although many Americans throughout our history have debated the constitutional extent of executive authority, the Constitution makes it clear that the executive branch should be under control of the executive.
The Constitution also makes clear that the administrative state is not a fourth, unaccountable branch that may undermine the president and ignore congressional and judicial oversight—the situation America now faces.
The “authoritarian” and “unconstitutional” fearmongering is simply a projection. Many on the left have ignored constitutional rights, including those enumerated in the Bill of Rights, to pursue their political goals. //
Project 2025 would rein in rogue and authoritarian elements within the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and other parts of the U.S. government.
Myth 4: Project 2025 is the effort of a small group of elites to subvert and control the American people.
Project 2025, while organized by The Heritage Foundation, is the effort of over 100 conservative American organizations from across the broad spectrum of the Right.
Organizations associated with Project 2025 are united in their efforts to ensure a competent, conservative administration. //
Myth 5: Project 2025’s proposals to shrink the bureaucracy would harm Americans and are contrary to American values.
The Left claims that Project 2025 proposes to vastly shrink and in some senses “weaken” the government. On this point, the Left is correct.
However, those on the left are incorrect that these efforts would harm Americans. In fact, the efforts would make life much better.
As Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Many Americans agree.
The federal government is bloated and inefficient and has not been reformed in nearly 50 years.
Making it easier to fire obstructive, lazy, or incompetent civil servants would save Americans money and make the government run better. Removing and reorganizing redundant and obsolete offices would do the same.
The United States has a federal system, but the role of the states in governance has been increasingly coopted by the U.S. government’s bureaucracy. Winding down and eventually abolishing the Department of Education would ultimately be in the interest of Americans, increasing the quality of education. Reforming the FBI would protect Americans from the politically corrupt leadership that runs the agency today.
These are just a few of the ways in which Project 2025’s implementation would serve Americans. //
Finally, there’s nothing sinister about Project 2025. It is an open book. It works out in the light and respectfully engages American citizens rather than gaslight them. It’s all available to the public at https://www.project2025.org
And while the Left fearmongers about the project, coalition partners have received feedback from many Americans, the great silent majority, that the solutions offered by Project 2025 are exactly what this country needs.
On June 25, 2024, I wrote about tweets I saw from Gad Saad, “The West has committed the greatest self-immolation in human history”:
“When the leaders hate their civilization more than their enemies do, the civilization is doomed. Never before has history witnessed such a gargantuan self-inflicted death of a civilization that was an existential light in an otherwise world of historical darkness.”
Remember: War is coming to every corner in the West. It might take 5 days, 5 years, or 50 years but it’s coming. The West has committed the greatest self-immolation in human history. Save this post.
I just saw another series of tweets from an account Peachy Keenan along the same lines, but to me more personal:
You guys have no idea how painful it is to have been young during the absolute peak era of the greatest empire in human history and now be forced to watch it all unravel.
The saddest part is that we are doing it to ourselves.
Absolutely agonizing experience. Like watching the most beautiful person you know slowly mutilate themselves.
The reason everyone on Earth wants to move here is because if you squint your eyes, this country still basically “looks” the same, is still powerful, etc.
But we are running on the fumes of the past. //
Very Insignificant Person
Replying to @KeenanPeachy
Conservatives love what we have. That why we want to conserve it. So we feel pain when we lose it.
Progressives hate what they have. That’s why they want to transform it. So they feel no sense of loss when what they have is destroyed.
6:12 PM · Aug 15, 2024 //
Mike D🇺🇸🍊
Replying to @KeenanPeachy
GenX too, I agree but we are not doing it to ourselves. This is an orchestrated takedown of America and capitalist countries around the world. The communists made the long March through the institutions here and now they’re destroying the country from within. Everyone must vote
7:08 PM · Aug 15, 2024 //
rhhardin | August 17, 2024 at 10:34 pm
The cause is news as a profit center instead of a loss leader to contribute to the prestige of the network. As a profit center they found their 24/7 audience with Jessica in the Well, namely soap opera women. Instead of reading daily about Liz and Richard in the tabloid, they follow the news.
It’s an entertainment choice, and it’s calling itself news, which makes the audience feel even better.
Women prioritize feelings (hence soap opera’s attraction), and men prioritize structure (avoidance of perverse consequences). The Founding Fathers were structure guys, not feelings guys. The female end of the Supreme Court is feelings. (So guys are better at running big systems and women are better at small systems like neighborhoods and households. Stereotype is the too-strict father.)
Hence the collapse of everything through feminization. Amy Wax has a milder diagnosis – the rules of the nursery and kindergarten brought to the academy – but it goes deeper. Feelings attracts eyeballs of women and you can sell those eyeballs to advertisers. Democrats just supply soap opera in return for votes, in a sort of business arrangement with the media. //
jb4 in reply to rhhardin. | August 18, 2024 at 10:20 am
Interesting perspective. I fault the MSM far more directly and have considered them the primary danger for years. By aligning themselves with the Democratic Party and its values, they have abandoned what I regard as a major value of journalism and the media, to bring accountability to Society. IMO if the light of day had been shined on Biden and Harris, Biden’s incipient dementia in 2020 would have kept him from running and Harris’ obvious incompetence would have disqualified her. What this Society lacks is accountability, from the shoplifter in CA, to the Trans in women’s locker rooms and sports, to the politicians at the top. What is not “right”, really isn’t right. Period. No excuses. //
JRaeL | August 18, 2024 at 12:05 am
Reading the comments I have to remind myself that the Fall happened in Paradise not outside of it.
No generation is spared the consequence of living in a fallen world. I doubt there has been a single time when some group of believers did not take the news of the day as proof the Apocalypse was at hand.
Are current events and societal changes accelerating the loss of paradise? Yep. Can it be slowed down? In patches, maybe. Overall, not a chance. Too many people yearn for that bone strewn path to Utopia. I know many will disagree but I believe we have left the battlefield and are now under siege. That means creating smaller worlds for yourself and your loved ones. It involves taking on a fortress mentality. While trying not to abandon charity, hope, and faith. That’s tricky.
I too grew up with more freedom. Some good, some bad. But at least I had the chance to learn the difference.
Today, twenty years ago, the lights were turned on at RedState.
When it started, it was anything but a commercial project. Four guys — Ben Domenech, Mike Krempasky, Josh Trevino, and one other who is no longer involved in politics — had the idea of trying to energize the online right toward activism in the same way that DailyKos was inspiring the anti-American left.
It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on Day One of the next conservative Administration.
This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative Administration.
End Wokeness
Macron just announced that he will hold an election in July after his CRUSHING defeat tonight.
The election was supposed to be in 2027.
Readers added context
Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, not an early presidential election. He remains president until 2027. Dissolving the Assembly triggers new legislative elections, allowing for potential changes in parliament without affecting his presidential term.
Context is written by people who use X, and appears when rated helpful by others.
3:13 PM · Jun 9, 2024 //
The call for elections highlights the transforming politics in Europe as opinions are increasingly against the left. Macron is, not surprisingly unhappy, with that:
“The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation and for Europe,” Mr. Macron said. “After this day I cannot go on as though nothing has happened.”
The French leader has always been a passionate supporter of the 27-nation European Union, seeing in it the sole means for Europe to count in the world and calling on it to achieve “strategic autonomy” through ever greater integration. But the political winds have turned in favor of less Europe, not more. //
Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell
Europe moves Right.
The Progressive Left is being rejected.
PeterSweden @PeterSweden7
BREAKING: The right-wing Parties are set to make MASSIVE gains all over Europe in the EU elections.
3:26 PM · Jun 9, 2024
The results in both France and Belgium indicate a growing political move in Europe toward the right as economic issues, unfettered immigration, and other concerns are turning off voters: //
Oli London
Belgian Prime Minister appears to be on the verge of TEARS after his liberal party suffered a staggering defeat in the EU elections.
Alexander De Croo, who is vocally anti-Israel, RESIGNED after his party received just 5.8% of the votes.
6:04 PM · Jun 9, 2024 //
End Wokeness
Today is the start of a new era in Europe:
🇫🇷 France: National Rally wins a historic 31.5% of the EU vote, forcing Macron to dissolve the national parliament.
🇩🇪 Germany: AfD surges to become the 2nd largest party, liberal parties tank.
🇧🇪 Belgium: Prime Minister resigns after his crushing defeat against the right.
Italy: Meloni's Brother of Italy wins in a historic landslide
Austria: FPÖ doubles their seats and becomes the largest party in the nation.
Spain: Right beating the left by 10%.
Luxemburg: First ever seat for ADR.
I would only note it's not really "tit for tat" — it's about adhering to the law and applying it equally. //
Dieter Schultz
14 hours ago
"I'm not talking about violence," she made clear. "I'm talking about tit for tat," she said.
I'd just be happy if the GOP just decides to fight like they're in an existential war for this country's soul and act accordingly.
That might mean something that resembles "tit for tat" but, more important than that is just playing to win rather than playing to let the Dems win.
Betterdeadthanred Dieter Schultz
9 hours ago
Indeed. Sticking to our principles has gotten us here. Its certainly not going to get us out or guarantee a place at the back of the line at the camps.
Dieter Schultz Betterdeadthanred
9 hours ago edited
Indeed. Sticking to our principles has gotten us here.
I'm pretty sure it's not principles we're sticking to that's gotten us here.I keep saying that there are two kinds, and definitions, of conservative, the ideological and the personality type.
We can't seem to grok that the personality type conservative sounds a lot like the ideological conservative but with the basic impetus of "Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change" and, because of that, they are NOT the same and, in fact, behave like RINOs.
It's not principles that are 'getting us here', it is being confused about which 'conservative' we're working with and wondering why people that 'tend to oppose change', you know, refuse to change the status quo that the left is clever enough to create for them so that they will 'refuse to act' to correct the ideological errors of the left's positions.
Again, content isn't bad, but if we're truly wanting to change hearts, then conservatives should focus more on the arts and not as much on the news and current events side. I think it's got that pretty well covered. //
RedStater In a Blue Apocalypse
4 hours ago edited
I think you are right Brandon. But, it's important to recognize an aspect of the problem that I believe flies under the radar.
Much of the best work of the past, especially in film, books, and television, came through as "conservative" because the story mattered first. Any conservative "messaging" is usually an organic result of telling stories that reflect, in one way or another, relatable situations of human affairs contending with universal problems. Theoretically, a creator could use a "trans" activist as the protagonist, without preaching either a conservative or liberal message, and provide profound meaning to both conservatives and liberals with a great telling of the story.
The progressives of today are putting out crap. And conservatives are missing the point in art.
But I think this current dynamic is setting us up for conservatives to find their feet and start telling great stories again. People are hungering for it...they require it for their souls and mental health. And progressives are currently missing the mark by a long shot.
If Kirk were alive today, he would agree with those who are now critical of the neocons for having abandoned their conservatism in favor of an imperialistic and globalist ideology. //
We are told, repeatedly, to keep God and morality out of politics. Yet, as Eliot insisted, society is bound together by common religion and a common ethical outlook. Without the recovery of the ethics of kindness and compassion, rooted in the Christian God, Western society runs to its own destruction under “the cult of the colossal.” //
Kirk defines culture as customs and traditions that operate in society. Culture is the emotional and ethical wisdom that customs and traditions within society communicate. They principally communicate through art, music, literature (especially poetry), and spiritual practices that teach us emotional and ethical wisdom.
The conservative, then, is concerned with preserving the wisdom of relational love that has been passed down generationally and developed by great thinkers, great artists, and great writers. This understanding of conservatism is broad in scope and invites those of us who may otherwise not share in conservative politics to be included in its ranks. And as Kirk implies throughout, there really isn’t an ideology of conservatism precisely because conservatism is not ideological in its political construction. //
Kirk reminds readers who have not yet been indoctrinated into that ideology that democracy can be tyrannical too. There is nothing intrinsically noble about democracy — what makes a democracy noble is the virtuous citizens in a democracy.
Out of the ashes of democratic decline lay the possibility for democratic renewal with the recovery of that ethical, theological, and emotional wisdom to begin building again a humane society rooted in awe, wonder, and love. That is the struggle of the conservative in the 21st century.
“You’re visiting—you’re out of the country or out of town or you’re in a motel or at a bar in D.C.—and whatever you’re into—women or men or whatever—comes up and they’re very attractive, and they’re laughing at your jokes. And you’re buying them a drink. Next thing you know, you’re in the motel room with them naked,”
And the next thing, you're about to make a key vote an what happens? Some well-dressed person comes out and whispers in your ear, ‘Hey, man, there’s tapes out on you.’ Or, ‘Were you in a motel room or whatever with whoever?’ And then you’re like, ‘Uh-oh.’ And they say, ‘You really ought not be voting for this thing.’” //
Anna Paulina Luna @realannapaulina
I travel with my husband at all times. If he cannot come with me, I have a female staffer as an alibi. I don’t even touch alcohol in DC. DC can be a nasty place. Keep your circle tight and just anticipate you’re always being watched. That is how this game operates.
Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson
Members of Congress are being blackmailed.
Rep. @TimBurchett broke the internet on The Benny Show for speaking out on it.
Thank you @JesseBWatters for covering
Embedded video
1:32 AM · Dec 22, 2023
And yes, there are enough very strange votes by conservatives that make you scratch your head, and Burchett provides a very easy-to-believe "unified field theory" to explain their actions. It also reminds us of the "Pence Rule." This rule, made famous by former vice president Mike Pence but used by sane men from time immemorial, says you don't have private dinners or meetings with members of the opposite sex...