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Magazine Calls for Federal Regulations of Homeschoolers - Otherwise Known As a Conservative Database
Golden Rule
4 hours ago
German owned magazine since 1986. Germany does not allow homeschooling.
anon-055q Golden Rule
2 hours ago
In Germany, any "rights" that citizens have are bestowed by Daddy Government.
Indeed. In that respect, the term "Fatherland" assumes an almost literal meaning!
This has, alas, been a leitmotif of German social thought for centuries.
The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) devastated Germany. The aftermath of that brutal conflict witnessed the widespread development of political thought that emphasized the need for a strong state to protect against, inter alia, the prospect of rampant invasions by foreign armies slaughtering the local populations and plundering the countryside.
This was a central theme of Thomas Hobbes, "Leviathan", and directly inspired, (albeit, from afar) by the horrific events of that conflict.
That war had profound effect on German thought - starting in its immediate aftermath. The Saxon jurist, Samuel Pufendorf, strongly influenced by Hobbes, wrote in, "The Elements of Essential Jurisprudence" of the empirically demonstrated need for a strong political authority to acquire and maintain the military and financial means of protecting the polity from such depredations by foreign powers and actors. This, in turn, provided the justification for royal absolutism of the monarch over the rest of society - to the detriment, alas, of the status of individual rights that have been the basis of (especially, but not exclusively, American political thought.
The idea of individual rights that could be legitimately claimed against the desires and interior the state, has, thus, never really taken hold in Germany - even with the advent of the Republic of Germany after World War II.
And,I haven't even touched upon other historical factors that further buttressed authoritarian political thought in Germany, such as the Reformation.
Unfortunately, Martin Luther was a servant believer in absolute submission to state authority. This, ultimately, also had the unfortunate effect of rendering the Lutheran Church largely subservient to the monarch and state - in sharp contrast to the American experience.
All of these (and more) military, political, religious, legal, and cultural developments in Germany eventually combi ed to produce a social milieu where the author of the state was almost invariably presumed to be dispositive over the preparative of the individual.
Given that, is is not surprising (unfortunately) that the rights of parents with respect to their children's education have been historically weak in Germany.
And more's the pity!
Magazine Calls for Federal Regulations of Homeschoolers - Otherwise Known As a Conservative Database
In a June 17 newsletter, "Scientific American" Magazine, based on numbers from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), suggested that federal regulations be put on homeschooling. NCES shows that almost three percent of American students are homeschooled, roughly 1.5 million kids. But it is not the call for federal regulations that is the most disturbing thing about Scientific American's suggestion; the best part is that they also suggest that parents of homeschooled kids "undergo a background check." First, just one question: What does this have to do with "science?" //
Fatherhood Reforged @fathersreforged
When they want to regulate homeschooling,
what they're really regulating is parenting.
When they say,
"Homeschool kids need to be checked on",
what they're really saying is,
"Parents can't be trusted with their kids".
6:00 PM · Jun 18, 2024 //
What better way to create a comprehensive database of conservatives and be able to know exactly where they are than to require them to undergo a background check? What sort of information would be required from a background check? Political affiliations, ownership of firearms? Imagine what the Biden administration would do with a database of conservatives — think January 6, and we already have a pretty good idea. //
Robert A Hahn
4 hours ago
Leftists wreck everything they touch. This used to be such a wonderful magazine. It was so scientific that much of the content went right over my head.
As Becky says, this article isn't science. This is leftist BS dressed up in a science suit. These bastiges did the same thing to Science News, which was also a wonderful little magazine until it turned into Al Gore's Climate Bugle. I hate these people. They wreck everything. //
4 hours ago
Homeschooling succeeds BECAUSE it’s not regulated. Everything the government regulates turns into poop. “It takes a State to raise a child, comrade. Now stand aside while we indoctrinate your children.”
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