5143 shaares
488 private links
488 private links
2 results
Just add this where you need the page to go to the next one (the text "page 1" will be on page 1 and the text "page 2" will be on the second page).
First page (this will be on page n.1)
<div style="break-after:page"></div>
Second page (This will be on page n.2)
See this page fetch itself, byte by byte, over TLS
- This page performs a live, annotated https: request for its own source. It’s inspired by The Illustrated TLS 1.3 Connection and Julia Evans’ toy TLS 1.3.
- It’s built on subtls, a pure-JS TLS 1.3 implementation that depends only on SubtleCrypto. Raw TCP traffic is carried via a serverless WebSocket proxy.