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Oh, I see it all the time….
Actually, Elon called me, he said, you know they're trying to drive us apart. I said absolutely. No, they said, “we have breaking news that Donald Trump has ceded control of the presidency to Elon Musk. President Musk will be attending a cabinet meeting at 8 o'clock.” [Musk cracks up in laughter at this point.]
And I say, it's just so obvious, they' so bad at it. I used to think they were good at it. They're actually bad at it because if they were good at it, I'd never be president. …I think nobody in history has ever gotten more bad publicity than me. I could do the greatest things. I get 98 percent bad publicity. //
Owen Gregorian
TV Hits Trump With 85% Negative News vs. 78% Positive Press for Harris | mrcNewsBusters
One week before Election Day, a new analysis from the Media Research Center finds that broadcast evening news coverage of the 2024 presidential race has been the most lopsided in history.… Show more
11:17 AM · Oct 29, 2024. //
anon-x8p1 Maximus Decimus Cassius
2 hours ago
He just did [ridiculed the press], with the greatest one-liner of all.
No matter the intent, it is an unassailable fact that in these three instances involving Politico, the New York Times, and the AP, the massive increase in their subscription business with the US government coincides with Joe Biden's election and is really obvious by February 2021, Biden's first full month in office. There is no such volume of subscriptions in either the Obama or Trump administrations. //
Trump needs to order an investigation into this unseemly financial connection between the Biden administration and the media that covered it and give America a full accounting of what they find. //
2 days ago
Since the subscriptions were purchased with my tax money, I demand complete and total access to all the politico pro and NYT subscription services.
Hogan testified Friday that the story he green-lit prior to publication did not include the term “black market,” and that it was Jake Tapper who included that term.
“The text of the story did not do that,” Hogan testified. “The banner and Jake Tapper’s lead-in did that.”
Nonetheless, Hogan later testified that he thought describing the situation as a “black market” was “accurate” and disputed the allegation that “black market” has a “negative connotation.”
Young alleges the use of the term “black market” to describe his evacuation efforts “rendered Young permanently unemployable” because it implied Young was involved in illegal conduct. Young later testified that his defense contracts expressly prohibited involvement in “black markets.” Notably, a court also found Young did not commit a crime. //
Young had previously testified that he needed more than two hours to respond to the inquiry to seek guidance from other individuals and organizations he worked with. Young also said in messages to Marquardt that the two-hour deadline was “definitely not a realistic deadline” but that “in any case, I can tell you for sure, some of your facts/assertions [are] not accurate, and if they are published, I will seek legal damages.”
CNN still aired the segment, shared it on social media and CNN’s website, and re-aired the segment before later issuing an apology months later. Young is seeking punitive damages.
The campaign to mislead the American people about Biden's ailing condition was the biggest disinformation campaign in modern presidential history. The sheer length of it combined with the breadth of those parroting it, including at the highest levels of government and in the press is unmatched. Those who participated have no credibility. They don't get to claim it was "obvious" all along when they were saying the opposite five months ago. No one should forget how far they were willing to go, up to and including putting an invalid back in the Oval Office, to remain in power.
But it is a third theory for Trump’s resounding victory, posited by many on the left, that should cause grave concern to liberty lovers because it forewarns of an acceleration of efforts to control the marketplace of ideas. Here, Harris’ loss was blamed not on the far-left policies and candidate voters rejected or on the supposed racist and sexist beliefs of the electorate, but on voters purportedly being “misinformed” by the right-wing controlled media.
By the end of last week, this theme had flooded the airways and social media. But it was the New Republic’s article, “Why Does No One Understand the Real Reason Trump Won?,” that best capsulated this spin.
The New Republic’s article from Thursday declared the purported “reason” for Trump’s victory: “It wasn’t the economy. It wasn’t inflation, or anything else. It was how people perceive those things, which points to one overpowering answer.” “The answer is the right-wing media,” author Michael Tomasky pontificated, continuing:
“Today, the right-wing media — Fox News (and the entire News Corp.), Newsmax, One America News Network, the Sinclair network of radio and TV stations and newspapers, iHeart Media (formerly Clear Channel), the Bott Radio Network (Christian radio), Elon Musk’s X, the huge podcasts like Joe Rogan’s, and much more — sets the news agenda in this country. And they fed their audiences a diet of slanted and distorted information that made it possible for Trump to win.”
This argument was laughable to conservatives and Republicans who, unlike many of their liberal and Democrat contemporaries, do not limit their news intake to coverage from like-minded media outlets. Thus, the right saw what statistics bore out — “that broadcast evening news coverage of the 2024 presidential race has been the most lopsided in history,” with legacy outlets, like ABC, CBS and NBC, providing Harris “78% positive coverage, while these same networks have pummeled former Republican President Donald Trump with 85% negative coverage.”
The legacy networks also hosted and controlled the presidential and vice-presidential debates, providing even more skewed coverage of the competing candidacies. And these media outlets regularly pushed — or unquestioningly accepted — false and misleading claims about Trump and Vance.
The repetitive false reporting that Donald Trump had called neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville “very fine people” — a claim even debunked by Snopes — alone proves the point. But ordinary Americans, having lived through the Russia collusion hoax and the false claims that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and also having witnessed the blatant bias of the networks during the debate, no longer needed solid proof to question the veracity of the legacy outlets. And the populace then turned to alternative media to assess the truth.
Herein, we saw the difference about 2024: It isn’t that the right controls the media or misinforms the populace, but that the left no longer can — at least not unimpeded.
Now, you might be asking yourself what incredible evidence the two Times "journalists" who wrote this piece came across to show that "Trump's latest allegation also appears to be false." Did they find tax records? Did they figure out what location she worked at? Did they speak to a former co-worker or manager? Did they find a mention of the job in her early resumes or writings? Nope. The entire claim that Trump is lying comes down to "the Harris campaign and a friend told us." //
As the above post mentions, Harris never said anything about working at McDonald's for her entire political career until she needed a talking point in 2019. It was also not listed on her college-era resume, where you would expect recent work history to be disclosed. In short, aside from one anonymous "friend" who suddenly decided to come forward, there is not an ounce of evidence that Harris ever worked at McDonald's.
CBS’s headlines reads:
FEMA crews threatened amid hurricane relief efforts in North Carolina
Wow. Big if true. It further reports:
Federal Emergency Management Agency crews in North Carolina were forced to relocate due to a reported armed threat against workers, first reported by The Washington Post.
[....]The move comes after an email sent by the U.S. Forest Service to federal responders in Rutherford County, alerted them of an apparent standdown after National Guard troops reportedly encountered armed militia saying they were "hunting FEMA."
Woof, again, big if true. But let’s read the next paragraph in the CBS article.
The North Carolina National Guard sent CBS News the following statement, saying, "The NCNG has no reports of our soldiers or airmen encountering any armed militia, any threats and any type of combatants. We are continuing to serve all those counties in need of our assistance."
Ok, so the National Guard told CBS that the story about armed gangs of men “Goin’ huntin’ fer some FEMA hides” is a lie. The National Guard confirms that it didn't happen, but sorry, AP, CBS writes a sensational headline for clicks anyway. The headline states a “fact” that isn’t remotely accurate – but reports it as a fact - knowing Harris voters will read the headline and tell their friends that armed gangs of KKK-hooded hoodlums have murdered puppies and FEMA people.
Eric Abbenante @EricAbbenante
Bret Stephens asks Stephanie Ruhle why Kamala Harris has not done interviews and stated clearly what her policy positions are. Ruhle responds that 'We don't live in Nirvana':
Bret Stephens: "I'm an undecided voter. I'm not sure I want to vote for Kamala. My fear is that she… Show more
11:23 PM · Sep 20, 2024 //
"If you don't like her answer, are you going to vote for Trump?" Ruhle railed. "Kamala Harris is not running for perfect, she is running against Trump." Translation? You don't need to know anything other than she's a warm body.
"The problem that a lot of people have with Kamala is that we don't know her answer to anything," Stephens said. "I don't think it's a lot to ask for her to sit down for a real interview."
Ruhle dismissed that, "When you move to Nirvana, I'll be your next door neighbor. We don't live there."
She's not a journalist, she's an advocate for Harris. //
Please list how he is a "threat to democracy." Notice they don't say.
So, let's review who the "threat to democracy" is.
Maher suggests Trump doesn't concede elections. Trump challenged the results in 2020, but he also left when he didn't win the legal challenges. And they ignore the many Democrats who challenged the 2016 election, and all the efforts to try to stop Trump from taking office even though he had won. They forget about the riot during Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017, and they don't blame the Democrats for that riot.
Under Trump, we had more money in our pockets, low inflation, lower taxes, no new wars, more peace in the Middle East, and a more secure border. Trump didn't prosecute his opponents, he didn't try to kick them off ballots, and he didn't try to tie up his opponents in lawfare to cost them money. Trump wasn't the one who pushed aside the candidate that more than 14 million Democrats had voted for in the 2024 primary, and replaced him because they knew he was going to lose.
But Ruhle doesn't think we even should ask about that replacement or even what Harris knew when all that coup-ing went down.
Overall, we rate the Daily Signal, Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mostly Factual, rather than High, due to not aligning with the consensus of science regarding human-influenced climate change. //
Editorially, The Daily Signal consistently casts doubt on the role of humans in climate change with articles such as this: Climate Change Alarmism Is the World’s Leading Cause of Hot Gas. Further, all opinion pieces favor the right and denigrate the left. In general, story selection and editorials almost always favor the right, though, at times, The Daily Signal is critical of former President Donald Trump’s policies and actions.
These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.
Overall, we rate AtlasIntel as Least Biased based on polling that minimally favors the right. We also rate them as a high factual pollster based on a 2.7-star rating in predictive polling.
JD Vance nukes NYT reporter🔥
JD: "This is the New York Times, don't hold it against them."
NYT: "The paper of record, New York Times. What's something you're willing not to say to make a point?"
JD: "One thing I wouldn't be willing to say is that NYT is a respectable paper."
Last edited
6:32 PM · Sep 17, 2024 //
the media are hyper-focused on this story not out of any actual concern for the Haitian migrants and residents but because it reflects very poorly on the Biden-Harris administration and its dangerous amnesty policies. And because of that, the MSM's mission is to discredit Trump and Vance by trying to make them look like racists, all in order to deflect from the very real issues plaguing Springfield -- whether that includes cat-eating or not. //
The fact of the matter is that the more reporters demand Vance stop talking about the issues his consituents are bringing to his attention, the more he's going to expose the media for wanting to suppress those stories, which in turn will lead to questions from voters as to why they'd want to keep them under wraps.
The only thing that will be left to conclude will be that it's the media who looks worse here by trying to squelch the story, not Trump and Vance for bringing it up.
Media talking heads like former CNN and current News Nation correspondent Chris Cuomo, who were vociferous about how dangerous, stupid, and corrupt Donald Trump is, are now seeing him through new eyes after not one but two attempted assassinations.
I did not have that on my 2024 Bingo card.
On Monday, Cuomo did an 18-minute monologue about this change of perspective on the matters of this election and on Donald Trump. Cuomo talked about it being his mother's birthday and him asking her what she wants to see in the world. Mama Cuomo insisted that she wished people would come together. That family and community are the linchpins of our society. From there, Cuomo launched into what turned out to be an amazingly thoughtful treatise on what America could be, and what it will take to get there.
I don't know if enough of us believe that anymore. The unique truth about America is that she only works if we tap into our interconnectedness and "interdependentness." Those are big words indicating a simple idea: Here, we have to care about one another. It is our only bond. We don't have homogeneity, we don't have common heritage or even really culture. What we have and what has made our greatness so durable is our ability to combine to magnified effect. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
And the great news is, we have so much more potential in America than I see anywhere else.
Who red-pilled Chris Cuomo? Who knew Fredo could actually reason?
We are so desperate to drag ourselves away from greatness, from progress, from each other. That is what I see that really bothers me, and the reaction and lack of reaction to the second attempt on Trump in the last couple of months. Oh, but the guy didn't even shoot. What if it was your father? Or what if it was Kamala Harris? Or President Biden—God forbid. Do you think it would be almost a shoulder shrug and more talk about the Secret Service and allocation of funds than just how crazy it is that this is what's happening in our country? That reaction of, well, come on, don't make too much of it. He had an AK-47 pointed at him! The reaction is unacceptable, and it's the second time media and political players have gotten away with playing down what should be a cause for panic. //
But the sheer fact that this man who has spent countless hours and years on cable television bashing Donald Trump is now able to put himself in another man's shoes and reach out. "I'm not supporting Trump, I'm supporting us," is a profound statement and in a way, kind of mind-blowing.
BASH: You just said that you're creating a story.
VANCE: We ought to be talking about public policy. [09:15:05]
BASH: Sir, you just said that you're creating the story.
VANCE: What's that, Dana?
BASH: You just said that this is a story that you created...
BASH: So, the eating dogs and cats thing is not accurate.
VANCE: We are creating -- we are -- Dana, it comes from firsthand accounts from my constituents.
I say that we're creating a story, meaning we're creating the American media focusing on it. I didn't create 20,000 illegal migrants coming into Springfield, thanks to Kamala Harris' policies. Her policies did that, but yes, we created the actual focus that allowed the American media to talk about this story and the suffering caused by Kamala Harris' policies.
HOST: But the rhetoric is on both sides, it's coming from the right, it's coming from the left
JENNINGS: The rhetoric, they have tried to kill this man twice. He got shot in the ear, and this guy was setting up shop outside of a golf course to try to kill him this weekend, and I know after something like this happens, it's very fashionable to, you know, talk about rhetoric on both sides.
Donald Trump is the target. He's the current target, and it's happening, and it's happening again, and I just, honestly, we have to have a conversation about elections. If you lose an election, the country is not going to come to an end, okay. What I want Democrats to do, honestly, is to say, it's okay. Like, if Donald Trump wins, democracy will not end, the constitution will not end, we're not going to live in a dictatorship, there will not be a bloodbath. All the things they say are totally fabricated to me, it would be a good day to stop doing that. //
JENNINGS: And I know everybody's talking today about all the rhetoric in this country and what are going to do to fix it going forward. It's too late. Folks, it's too late in my opinion because all of the rhetoric about Donald Trump over the last several years, that he's a threat to democracy, that the country will come to an end if he gets elected president again. You know, even over the weekend, we had people blaming him and JD Vance for a bomb threat in Springfield.
Well, if you have believed that over the weekend, then how could you not believe the rhetoric leading up to today is not somehow responsible that this man has now somehow survived two assassination attempts?
Following the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump, a common refrain from the left was that political violence is a "both sides" issue. MSNBC tried that line multiple times, as did some of the major newspapers, with the idea being that you can't call out Democrat rhetoric because Republican rhetoric has caused issues as well.
So what was the evidence for that equivocation being used as a way to deflect from someone trying to murder Trump again? CNN's Dana Bash provided a perfect example of it when she accused JD Vance of inciting "bomb threats" in Springfield, OH.
JD Vance to Dana Bash: "You accused me of causing a bomb threat. Doesn't that mean you should shut up about the residents of Springfield? Don't you realize you're engaged in basic propaganda to silence the concerns of American citizens?" pic.twitter.com/tYFvpZgVKJ
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) September 15, 2024
To be sure, the claim was dubious from the moment it left her mouth. //
Greg Price @greg_price11
Gov. Mike DeWine says that all of the bomb threats that were made against Springfield schools were hoaxes and came from overseas.
But we were reliably informed by the media that JD Vance's cat memes were responsible for this
4:29 PM · Sep 16, 2024.
NEW: ABC News Caught Grossly Deceptively Editing Kamala Harris' Disastrous Solo Interview – RedState
The above exchange can be seen online by going directly to ABC 6's website. Guess who didn't see it? That would be the network's television audience. According to Tom Elliott, who runs Grabien, a media service that archives news coverage, ABC 6 and Taff made an astonishingly dishonest edit to the interview before playing it on the nightly news.
Specifically, the above word salad was completely cut out of the interview, and instead, a later portion was spliced in. In the recording of the live broadcast, you can hear Taff ask the question posed in the above excerpt, yet the answer Harris is shown giving was not her actual answer in the interview.
Here is the comparison between the actual interview and what ABC 6 put on air.
Tom Elliott @tomselliott
Maybe someone has already mentioned this, but the rambling answer Kamala Harris gave last night on inflation is not what @6abc actually aired. Instead they edited her response so that it went straight to her "policies." Compare/contrast the two clips below
Embedded video
Embedded video
12:43 PM · Sep 14, 2024 //
Curtis Houck @CurtisHouck
.@6ABC and Brian Taff shilling for Kamala.
And btw WPVI isn't just the Philly ABC affiliate. It's an ABC-Disney owned-and-operated station. //
What Taff and his network did is not journalism. It's activism, and they had no excuse to mislead people by chopping up the interview in that way. Harris is a vapid empty suit, and voters deserve to know that.
The problem with all the mockery was that Trump's claim was true, as evidenced by an article from CNN of all places, that had been published the day before the debate, and which detailed Harris' answers to a 2019 ACLU questionnaire: https://assets.aclu.org/live/uploads/2024/08/Harris-ACLU-Candidate-Questionnaire.pdf //
To make matters worse, Free Beacon reporter Joe Gabriel Simonson added on Twitter that "In a subsequent exchange, Glasser’s editor said the New Yorker does not 'see a need to issue a correction.'"
there's a new debate hoax raging. It centers on Trump's comments about threatening "Abdul," who he cited as a Taliban leader he negotiated with in 2020. The mention sent the fingers of journalists everywhere scurrying on keyboards. Multiple major news outlets, including The Hill and Forbes, wrote mocking headlines and suggested it was "unclear" who Trump was referring to because he's just so darn stupid.
“I got involved. And Abdul is the head of the Taliban. He is still the head of the Taliban,” Trump said. “And I told Abdul, ‘Don’t do it anymore. You do it anymore, you’re going to have problems.’ And he said, ‘Why do you send me a picture of my house?’ I said, ‘You’re going to have to figure that out, Abdul.’ And for 18 months we had nobody killed.”
It’s not clear who Trump was referring to.
Hibatullah Akhundzada is the Taliban’s leader, having been in charge since 2016.
It wasn't unclear, though. I know that because if you read the very same articles I linked above, both go on to explain exactly who Trump was talking about.
Abdul Ghani Baradar is not an obscure figure. He is the co-founder of the Taliban and currently serves as the terrorist government's "prime minister." He was also the lead negotiator and head of policy during the 2020 negotiations. So who is dumber? Trump for citing "Abdul," or the know-nothing journalists who couldn't be bothered to use Google for two minutes? //
an hour ago
This is Golden:
Cable news is filled with over-credentialed mediocrities with the common sense of a lima bean.
That tells everything. //
25 minutes ago
It doesn't matter Journalists can't seem to do their job anymore. Used to be an investigative reporter would run down all the fact and report the results without bias. Now only a handful do. I can think of Catherine Harris, Glen Greenwald, and Matt Tiabi. Everyone else is just trying to score points and get clicks. A sign of a dying media is the need for sensationalism and yellow journalist tactics. //
27 minutes ago
Wait a minute. Did Kamala mean MANDATORY transgender surgeries for illegals in prison???
Puts a whole new light on it. 😁 //
Rogue Rose
23 minutes ago
Their endless lies are exhausting
KJSpeed Rogue Rose
4 minutes ago
I concur. Kind of like The Boy Who Cried Wolf. They're trying to push us to the point that we challenge everything they say as a lie, then they spin it as "those right-wing MAGA nuts are trying to say that everything we tell you is a lie. Don't believe them!" John and Jane Doe begin to think the liars are telling the truth and everyone that disagrees with them is a liar. Right before the wolf eats them.
Scott Adams
Megyn Kelly went off on the ABC Debate moderators obvious bias and blames their boss and Kamala’s closest friend for over 30 years, Dana Walden, who also just so happens to run ABC News as co-chairwoman at woke Disney. Kamala’s best friend is the moderators boss!
7:17 AM · Sep 11, 2024 //
etba_ss Orwell was right
20 minutes ago
So why did Trump not know this and publicize it ahead of the debate? Obviously, his staff should have known and told him. They should know everything about Harris and anyone she's ever dealt with on any level.
"I think that it's important for journalists to actually get on the ground and uncover this stuff for themselves," he said. "When you have a lot of people saying, “my pets are being abducted” or “geese at the city pond are being abducted and slaughtered right in front of us, this is crazy stuff."
"This town has been ravaged by 20,000 migrants coming in, health care costs are up, housing costs are up," he continued. "Communicable diseases like HIV and TB have skyrocketed in this small Ohio town. This is what Kamala Harris's border policies have done. And I think it's interesting Kaitlan, that the media didn't care about the carnage wrought by these policies until we turned it into a meme about cats and that speaks to the media's failure to care about what's going on in these communities. If we have to meme about it to get the media to care, we're going to keep on doing it because the media could, should care about what's going on."
Collins tried to defend the media, saying they do care which is why the mainstream media is covering these stories, to which Vance noted it was only because of cat memes, and nobody would care about this story if the memes weren't doing damage to the Democrats." //
"Kaitlan, it's a totally fair point, but nobody's calling my office and saying that they saw Bigfoot," said Vance. "What they're calling and saying is we're seeing migrants kidnap our dogs and cats and city officials aren't doing anything about it. Now again, I have a responsibility as a United States Senator. I think the media has a responsibility as an institution that cares about truth, to actually take people seriously when they say their lives have been ruined by this migrant crisis and again, if every single thing that the media says about this story is false, the verifiable facts are that this community has had their lives destroyed by 20,000 migrants coming in and uprooting life."