5143 shaares
488 private links
488 private links
1 result
- First, open PuTTy.
- For “Host Name” enter the domain name or IP address of the server that will act as the proxy.
- From the “Category” section on the left, scroll to “Connection” > “SSH” > “Tunnels”.
- Enter the local port you want to use for the proxy connection in the “Source port” field. A common choice is “8080”.
- Assuming you picked 8080 for the port, then enter “localhost:8080” (without quotes) as the destination. This tells PuTTY to listen to data sent to it on port 8080 from the same computer putty is running on, and forward it to the remote server.
- Where it says “Forwarded ports”, select “Dynamic”. This enables the SOCKS protocol.
- Now click “add”.
- Go back to the “Session” option in the left panel. Type in a name for this connection under the “Saved Sessions” text box.
- Now click the “Save” so you’ll be able to open the connection later without repeating these steps again.
- Almost done! Just click the “Open” button.