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According to the DOJ, Gonzalez helped smuggle “dozens of migrants” from South America to the United States illegally so he could profit from their labor. He faces a maximum of 120 years in prison and will be sentenced March 18. //
Once in Philadelphia, Gonzalez and his co-conspirators picked them up at the airport, and took them to a residence in Chester used to house aliens.
Gonzalez told the five they owed him “substantial debts for his assistance” and that they should remain in one of the homes he owned and work at jobs he arranged to pay off the debts. The debt was much more than the cost of transporting and housing them, although the indictment did not say how much he demanded. //
Most illegal immigrants do not understand they are getting involved in a trafficking scheme, Arthur said. //
President-elect Donald Trump has nominated his former Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Tom Homan, to lead border enforcement. Arthur says detaining people who have entered the U.S. illegally until it is determined if they should be allowed into the country would be a “gut punch” to trafficking. And although he has not heard Trump or Homan speak to this yet, Arthur recommends ending the CHNV program due to its exploitation by traffickers.
“This is new age slavery; 159 years after the 14th Amendment, we are still faced with this scourge. And unfortunately, the immigration policies of the current administration facilitate trafficking,” Arthur said.
We as a nation have made great strides in our battle against racism and intolerance, and I would argue that we’ve mostly been successful in that effort. But the “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” movement is not forwarding that goal; in fact, it’s just deepening divisions. //
Anti-woke activist and filmmaker Robby Starbuck, who has been leading a campaign exposing major corporations' woke policies, said on X on Monday that he warned Walmart executives last week that he would be doing a story on "wokeness" at the retail giant.
"Instead," Starbuck shared, "we had productive conversations to find solutions."
Starbuck outlined the changes Walmart agreed to make, including working to remove sexual and transgender products inappropriately marketed toward children and reviewing grants to Pride events to avoid funding sexualized content targeting kids. //
3 hours ago
No, slavery is not the ultimate evil. It is a symptom of the ultimate evil: not recognizing the humanity of another person. Which is the same thing DIE does today. It was also at the root of Nazism.
anon-zr9w anon-tf71
23 minutes ago
God said that the love of money is the root of all evil. Slavery, including Africans selling Africans of other tribes, and the purchasing of those Africans to do agricultural work as slaves was primarily driven by a profit motive. Searing one's conscience to deny the humanity of another is truly an evil fruit of the love of money. //
reddotbluestate 2 hours ago
To quote Candice Owens, "White people didn't invent slavery. They ENDED it."
Or to quote me, "Nobody in my lineage owned slaves. You were never a slave - so get off my back.". //
4 hours ago edited
Agree with almost everything you said. Yes, slavery was, is and will always be horrific and wrong. But the ultimate evil that pervades our society is something, believe it or not, even worse. And that’s the barbaric and heinous act that has butchered tens of millions of babies—abortion. Somehow the Dems have been on the wrong side of these issues throughout history.
Resist the Mainstream
CNN Host doesn't want to get rid of illegal immigration because there will be nobody to 'pick your crops.'
11:12 AM · Oct 18, 2024 //
JENNINGS: He's going to crack down on immigration to the benefit of the American worker.
RAMPELL: He's going to deport 20 million people? The people who pick your crops? The people who process your meat? The people who, you know, care for your grandmother? The people who serve all sorts of critical functions in this country?
My word, talk about not hiding the ball. Apparently, illegal immigrants are the only people in the country who can pick crops, process meat, and take care of old people. Who knew? Never mind that there are already work programs in place that allow seasonal workers to come in and "pick the crops."
So what's Rampell really saying? She's saying that it's more important to have illegal quasi-slave labor to ensure her standard of living than for the nation's laws to be followed. That seems rather exploitative of the CNN panelist, doesn't it? Democrats sure love to talk about fair wages until it comes to illegal immigrants working for minimum wage to save a few cents on fruit.
Could you imagine NBC News in 1863 after Abraham Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation? "Lincoln's plan to end slavery for the first time in history would jeopardize an agriculture industry already facing shortages and push costs higher." That is literally the argument these news outlets are making about illegal immigration. They don't even try to pretend anymore. They want their cheap labor, and they don't care about what they have to do to get it.
As Lincoln understood about slavery back in the 1850s, the eventual political consequences of tolerating abortion in some states will be the acceptance of it in all the states. (We’ve already seen this with the abortion referendums in Kansas and Ohio, with more referendums on the way.) Moral neutrality on abortion — Trump’s “popular sovereignty” approach — will weaken the foundation for legal prohibition and open the way to tolerance and eventually political acceptance. //
Because of the first principles at stake here, the logic of America’s antebellum slavery debate applies entirely to the abortion debate of our time. Indeed, the two issues are closer than even most pro-lifers realize. Today’s Democrats view abortion just as antebellum Democrats viewed slavery. They think the constitutional rights of an entire class of people (women) depend for their vindication on the denial of all rights to another class of people (the unborn). This is precisely what southern Democrats believed about blacks and slavery, and why they were so adamantly against emancipation.
But the two issues are alike in another way as well: They both represent a grave danger to freedom itself and the survival of our republic. //
Abortion is more than that, though. It cuts right to the heart of our understanding of democracy and self-government — which, as Lincoln said, must have limits, or it becomes despotism. If one person can snuff out the life of another, and no third person is allowed to object, then in what sense do we have self-government? Democratic practice, after all, must be rooted in the principle of human equality. There are some things even a majority cannot justly decide to do, and to deny that is to open the way to tyranny. //
Trump, using the same flawed logic, thinks he can compromise with the pro-abortion power.
He’d be better off following Lincoln, who knew that America could not continue forever divided between slave states and free states, that we would “become all one thing or all the other.”
Vivek said we hadn't been perfect as a country, that we had slavery for 160 years, and we had a Civil War fought over it. "Some people learned that later than others," he said, taking a shot at fellow GOP candidate Nikki Haley and her Civil War comments controversy, as the audience laughed. //
"The question is what do we do about it now," Ramaswamy said. He spoke about it getting small enough to "atrophy into irrelevance," comparing the question to an immune system reacting to the virus that's no longer so powerful and starting to attack the body's organs. "That's what I see happening in the country," he explained.
"Today, the best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race," Vivek declared. He thought we'd created more racism in the name of "anti-racism." "If we drive with our eyes in the rear-view mirror, we're just going to keep crashing the same car and recreating the thing we wanted to eradicate." //
The growing problem today is revenge racism. It's at the heart of everything from DEI policies to demands for reparations. This isn't about equality or even equity. It's about punishment and suffering.
A voter asked Haley the question, "What was the cause of the United States Civil War?" As a Daughter of the South and a former governor of a Confederate state, you would think Haley's answer would have been simple and fluid.
Apparently not. //
I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are. And I will always stand by the fact that I think government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people.
The town hall voter didn't seem satisfied with her response, so he gave her a bit of a nudge, then pressed a bit harder. Finally, he said it was “astonishing” that Haley did not mention slavery in her response. Haley's response to this? “What do you want me to say about slavery?”
Haley then moved on to the next voter question. //
Largo Patriot
6 hours ago edited
This is the woman who, upon BLM's demand, disappeared South Carolina's history by removing all reminders of its Confederate roots which, it turns out, she doesn't know much about. For obvious reasons, Democrats want the American people to forget who the slave owners were and which political party fought for the Confederacy, enacted Jim Crow laws and supported segregation. Instead of owning their party's racist history, Democrats want to flip the script and persuade us that it is preserving the history of slavery that is racist, not slavery itself - and Nikki Haley was happy to assist them. Democrats can tear down every "racist" statue in this country and it will never change the fact that it was THEIR ancestors who captured, sold and owned slaves, it was THEIR ancestors who fought and died to preserve the institution of slavery and it was THEIR ancestors who tried for many decades after slavery ended to keep African Americans at the back of the bus.
1776 is not 2023, and the men who founded America could only look back at history from when they lived. They saw—rightly—government tyranny as the greatest enemy of human freedom, and they created a system designed to curtail that tyranny and enable people to be free in harmony with the rights their Creator had “endowed” them with—“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” And it was these principles—especially the second one, “liberty”—which, very soon in historical terms, led to the nearly world-wide abolition of slavery.
Slavery has existed for thousands of years all over the world. Within almost 100 years of the Declaration of Independence, economic slavery was virtually extinct. There are, of course, still pockets of sex slavery and child trafficking in the world today; men will always do evil. But, along with the wage-earning system of capitalism produced by the Industrial Revolution, the values launched by America’s Founders led to the eradication of the slavery so much of mankind had endured for all human history. And one might argue effectively that without the “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” ideals, the Industrial Revolution and capitalism might have adopted slavery, too.
Let’s hope the principle of “life” will soon abolish the Leftist barbarians’ practice of killing unborn children. //
America’s great Founding Fathers constructed a system where the people tell the government what to do, not the government telling the people what to do. There has never been a country in human history based on that ideal. And the Left absolutely hates it. If you don’t believe it, go live in China like I did for ten years. And that is slavery—not economic ownership, but government oppression. Which is worse: being owned and told what you can and cannot do by a land owner or being owned and told what you can and cannot do by a government tyrant? We want neither, but who, ultimately, has more power? Government oppression is slavery by a different name, and our Founders knew it.
Patrick Henry, 1775, on the oppression of the British government: “Is life so dear, and peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and SLAVERY? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me LIBERTY or give me death.”
The aim of the Leftist Democratic Party is to return to pre-1776. They don’t want you to be free; they want to control your life; they want to tell you what they will allow you to do; they want to create the human utopia that exists only in their wicked, perverted, debased minds. And the only way that utopia can be created is if they have total power and can enslave you by government decree.