488 private links
9 hours ago
Remind me again why we spend so much blood and treasure to protect these blowhards...
jri500 anon-fv7m
6 hours ago
Bill Clinton and his buddy, Bernard Schwartz (LORAL Space) GAVE China our ballistic missile gyroscope guidance technology. Just gave it to them because liberals couldn't stand the fact that the US was the world's lone super power at the time. China's missiles couldn't reach orbit. Clinton moved the gyro technology from Defense to the Commerce department, and put a CIA satellite on a Chinese rocket. And when that rocket crashed, the Chi Coms sifted the wreckage and reverse engineered our gyros. When Clinton took office, China had zero (0) nuclear missiles capable of hitting the US mainland. When he left office, they had 20. //
Dieter Schultz stickdude90
6 hours ago edited
Remind me again why we spend so much blood and treasure to protect these blowhards...
I think you might be looking at the US being forward deployed and allied with nations around the world... through the wrong lens.
Yes we're spending money stationing forces around the world and, yes, some... maybe a lot of these countries... don't appreciate or deserve our protection but... look at it from the point of view of avoided costs.
But, we can't understand avoided costs unless we consider what isolationism might really cost us in the bigger scheme of things.
We were, mostly, isolationists between 1910 and 1940... not spending money with alliances and forward deploying our forces. Because of that the bad guys in the world didn't believe we'd respond as they gobbled up other countries. What they did believe, and what Churchill said so elegantly in some of his writing, was that if the US allowed its natural allies to fall, the position that the US would be in, strategically, would be difficult in the extreme.
So we stayed out of the areas but, when we were finally forced to act the costs in treasure and lives of our youth was great... far, far greater than they would have been if the Germans and Japanese really believed we would fight to stop them.
Since the end of WWII we've made a lot of mistakes and many of those mistakes have cost us 10s of thousands of our youth and untold treasures but, even with Russia's aggressive moves in the world, we haven't had a repeat of the carnage, loss of life, and expenditures of the country's treasures.
But, we should ask ourselves, even if we've helped protect people that didn't seem to appreciate and value our sacrifice, if, like happened to us leading up to WWI and WWII, would we have likely gotten sucked into another one of the continent's or world's battles and cost ourselves 10 or 100 times the loss of carnage, loss of life, and expenditures of our treasure anyway?
I see the discussions about forward deploying our forces around the world much like the Chesterton's Fence and we should ask ourselves, why that fence was needed in the first place?
Many in this country just want to tear down that fence but, as Chesterton might see it: "If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.’”
Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton
US airlines had gone 16 years without fatal crashes.
Then MAGA fired the FAA chief, gutted the Aviation Security Advisory Committee, and threatened air traffic controllers with layoffs.
Now there have been two fatal crashes.
Hope your unvetted 22-year-olds fix things fast.
Secretary Sean Duffy @SecDuffy
I know you’re lashing out because DOGE is uncovering your family’s obscene grifting via USAID, but I won’t let you lie and distort facts. The FAA administrator announced he resigned over a month before Trump took office, and the air traffic controllers were always exempt from Trump’s civil service buyouts.
The previous administration shamelessly used USDOT as a slush fund for the Green New Scam, throwing away money and resources on wasteful environmental and social justice projects rather than updating our nation’s antiquated air traffic control systems and other critical infrastructure.
I’m returning this department to its mission of safety by using innovative technology in transportation and infrastructure. Your team had its chance and failed. We’re moving on without you because the American people want us to make America’s transportation system great again. And yes, we’re bringing the 22-year-olds with us. //
Evita Duffy-Alfonso @evitaduffy_1
Just a PSA: My dad would never commit suicide. //
6 hours ago
No wonder the Dems moved heaven and earth to try to bankrupt, imprison or kill Trump. They wouldn't have minded so much if a Romney or a McCain type had been elected. Had they been, it would have been business as usual with typical Republican do nothings. But Trump. Ah, that's a different story. I never thought I would see it in my lifetime. It is a wonder to behold. God bless President Trump and Elon Musk! You go, guys! //
CurtTX53 JimboCA
3 hours ago
Remembering how quiet they and their CGI got after 2016, almost disappeared, hoping to stay away from any investigations. Run silent run deep for those four years.
And this is,
the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Ratcliffe,
the FBI was ordered by Barack Obama not to arrest Hillary Clinton for espionage in violation of — 18 U.S. Code § 793. Gathering, transmitting or los defense information. In fact, James Comey effectively served as Hillary Clinton’s personal attorney.
James Comey: “What I can assure the American people is that this investigation was done honestly, competently and independently. No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear.”
CIA John Ratcliffe: “Lisa Page confirmed to me under oath that the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information,"
Transcript excerpt of his interview with Page:
John Ratcliffe: Okay. So let me if I can, I know I'm testing your memory, but when you say advice you got from the Department, you're making it sound like it was the Department that told you: You're not going to charge gross negligence because we're the prosecutors and we're telling you we're not going to –
Ms. Page: That is Correct.
Secretary Sean Duffy @SecDuffy
Big News - Talked to the DOGE team. They are going to plug in to help upgrade our aviation system.
Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton
They have no relevant experience.
Most of them aren't old enough to rent a car.
And you're going to let them mess with airline safety that's already deteriorated on your watch?
Secretary Sean Duffy @SecDuffy
Madam Secretary, with all due respect, “experienced” Washington bureaucrats are the reason our nation’s infrastructure is crumbling. You need to sit this one out. ///
She quote tweeted a screenshot of his tweet and turned off replies so that nobody who replies shows up in her "mentions" and her account has the last word.
In the early days of Russia's war on Ukraine, President Joe Biden boldly declared he was ready to seize "ill-begotten gains" of the region's oligarchs.
But in the years before Moscow twice invaded Ukraine, Democrats enriched themselves politically and personally from such oligarchs and businesses in the region while empowering Vladimir Putin with energy and technology deals that still haunt America today.
Sam Grant
an hour ago
They spiel hate, hubris and hypocrisy until they lose. After that it's fake humility. //
Anna DM
an hour ago
I'm interpreting this as a call to their street thugs to step back and not explode in a destructive rage. They know their Left-wing storm troops are ready to start Floyd-like violence and they are trying to put the kibosh on that. //
Tech in RL
5 hours ago
Why are these people congratulating Hitler for wrecking the country? It’s as if they didn’t believe their rhetoric. //
4 hours ago
You bastards called us every name in the book for 8 years+. You smeared us at every opportunity.
Never once did you extend an olive branch and acknowledge that we love our country and are promoting the ideas that we sincerely believe are best for us all.
No, you threw accusation after accusation. Racists, sexists, homophobic, Islamophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynist. You divided every person in the country into categories and accused us of hating every last one of those categories.
Your behavior has been pure evil - and now you want grace and reconciliation?
It's worth noting that Politico's headline reads "Harris to join Michelle and Barack Obama on the Campaign Trail." Last I checked, it's the vice president who is running and being joined on the campaign trail, yet the press, in all their slavish devotion, still gives deference to the Obamas. //
If the Obamas had the ability to sway elections, Hillary Clinton would be finishing up her second term right now.
It is an unprecedented perversion of justice by a baldly partisan alliance of people figure-headed by an immoral president corrupted by fear of losing the power to abuse power and weaken the country he vowed to protect.
“Lawfare” is an insufficiently evil word to describe this strategy.
Back when he was funny, Woody Allen once said, “Mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.” //
As the astute Ben Domenech points out:
It’s been branded a hush-money trial, but it isn’t — it’s a business expense categorization trial, claimed as a campaign finance matter. This just doesn’t fly. It sounds like a rinky-dink case to the average voter. //
The judge’s rulings and jury instructions, and the prosecution’s opportunity to deliver a non-rebuttable closing argument, basically stacked the deck for Manhattan jurors to obey. //
He was on criminal trial for falsifying corporate documents to disguise hush payments to a porn star. That is a misdemeanor charge, which the feds declined to prosecute.
However, Bragg compounded the charges into 34 state counts and elevated them to felonies, which enabled him to exceed the statute of limitations and potentially involve prison time.
But wait! What about this?
After Hillary Clinton’s 2016 defeat, she and her campaign got caught falsifying financial reports to disguise payments to others to create the Steele Dossier and Russiagate hoax.
The Federal Elections Commission fined her campaign $113,000. No charges. No felony. No trial.
So, for an offense similar to Trump’s, she got off nothing.
Just as that same Democrat did in 2016 when FBI Director James Comey declined to recommend prosecution of her for illegally using a private email server to hide (and sometimes destroy) thousands of national security emails from Freedom of Information requests.
While I’m sitting there shooting the sh*t, a call comes in. We, the US, have Osama bin Laden in our sights in Afghanistan. We had military and CIA assets surrounding bin Laden’s camp and we were ready to pull the trigger to kill the terrorist. Sandy Berger, the NSC advisor, was on the horn asking us to get Clinton on the line in the residence and get the approval. //
We only had a few hours during the night in Afghanistan or we’d have to scrub the mission. This was the fall of 1997 (the timing is hugely important).
Unbelievably, after several attempts, we couldn’t get Clinton to answer the phone in the residence. //
After approximately two hours, Clinton finally responded. Of course, he wanted to chat with the SecDef, SecState, and AG. Ultimately, those clowns decided not to shoot based on concerns for “international law.” We did nothing and our assets on the ground were forced to exfiltrate in a very dangerous situation. //
A few months later, bin Laden and Al-Qaeda bombed two American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224 people and wounding more than 4,500.
A few years later, bin Laden launched 9/11, killing 3,000 people. It’s all Clinton’s fault. I personally know that to be true.