488 private links
Sam Grant
an hour ago
They spiel hate, hubris and hypocrisy until they lose. After that it's fake humility. //
Anna DM
an hour ago
I'm interpreting this as a call to their street thugs to step back and not explode in a destructive rage. They know their Left-wing storm troops are ready to start Floyd-like violence and they are trying to put the kibosh on that. //
Tech in RL
5 hours ago
Why are these people congratulating Hitler for wrecking the country? It’s as if they didn’t believe their rhetoric. //
4 hours ago
You bastards called us every name in the book for 8 years+. You smeared us at every opportunity.
Never once did you extend an olive branch and acknowledge that we love our country and are promoting the ideas that we sincerely believe are best for us all.
No, you threw accusation after accusation. Racists, sexists, homophobic, Islamophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynist. You divided every person in the country into categories and accused us of hating every last one of those categories.
Your behavior has been pure evil - and now you want grace and reconciliation?