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The France24 TV: “More than 210 left-wing or Macronist candidates … have already withdrawn in order to block the far right from winning a majority.” //
Subotai Bahadur | July 5, 2024 at 7:15 pm
We have a country where:
A) The party in power ignores what the people want in the name of Leftist ideological correctness.
B) What passes for opposition party(s) care not a whit for what the people want.
C) The physical soil of the country is literally invaded occupied by a huge, hostile foreign army that is functionally above the law of the country.
D) There is an election, and the ruling party gets its collective gluteus maximus, minimus, and medialis handed to it and a party that actually might do what the people want gets most of the votes. The response of the once ruling party is to ally itself with its former opposition to thwart the will of the people.
Now, despite what seems like eerie resemblances to our own poor country; the country involved is France. Now it is a point of pride to our educational establishment that American students have no knowledge of the means and motives for the establishment of our own country. For most Americans, understanding of French history is at the level of animated cartoons or perhaps a Mel Brooks movie.
Besides being a history buff all my life, while in college I studied it, including quite a bit on the French Revolution and Napoleon.
The European approach to politics, and especially with their history the French approach to politics, is very, very different to our own. The Anglo-Saxon evolution of politics that eventually became our own deliberately tries to avoid mass bloodshed when things reach an impasse. Which is possible when say an electoral approach works. The key is what happens when the electoral approach does not work.
France has shown what happens when electoral, peaceful politics do not work. France as a Republic is younger than our relatively juvenile country. Since 1789 they have had 2 monarchies, one “Consulate”, one “Directory”, two Empires, and 5 Republics; each with their own Constitution, laws, and political systems with their own definitions of legitimacy.
“Every [French] head of state from 1814 to 1873 spent part of his life in exile. Every regime was the target of assassination attempts of a frequency that put Spanish and Russian politics in the shade. Even in peaceful times governments changed every few months. In less peaceful times, political deaths, imprisonments and deportations are literally incalculable.”
These are NOT a people you deliberately disrespect when you are in power, nor [with their even more ancient history] do you encourage their occupation by a more ancient foreign enemy. This is likely to get far more untidy than we expect over here.
And if our own Anglo-Saxon political approach ever fails . . .
Subotai Bahadur