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Not sure who the hell race-baiting @AyannaPressley thinks she is,demanding that MLKs name not come out of anyone's mouth but her own.
I guarantee MLK would be appalled at her constant attempts to divide the country.
So sick of this crap!
@RepClayHiggins isn't playing
2:46 / 2:46
10:41 AM · Nov 23, 2024
Rep. Higgins responded forcefully, citing his service, his oath to the Constitution - and that he will continue to cite and quote Dr. King when and where he sees fit. That's the only possible response to a hateful, constitutionally ignorant rant like the one delivered by Rep. Pressley. //
Here is another quote from Dr. King that is illuminating -- probably not to Rep. Pressley, as I doubt she is capable of being illuminated by Dr. King or anyone else -- but just for the record:
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
That's an eloquent statement; darkness vs. light, hate vs. love. Which side of these things does Ayanna Pressley come down on? She is literally ranting at a fellow member of the House of Representatives for quoting someone who wanted his children judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.