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Here's another example of a project you've probably never heard of (I hadn't), where USA taxpayers will spend something like a billion dollars to move slightly radioactive material from one place to another. Between 1956 and 1983, one of the major USA mills for converting uranium ore to yellow cake, U3O8, was located just outside Moab, Utah on the Colorado River. The mill was built by the uranium king, Charlie Steen. It made the town of Moab. //
In 2003, the dose rates on top of the Pile were 0.014 to 0.047 mSv/d for photons, and 0.041 to 0.052 mSv/d due to radon. Both are far below the tolerance dose of 1 mSv/d, and well below the background dose rates in parts of Kerala. The dose rates at the nearest residence, which is right on the edge of the mill property, were 0.0021 mSv/d photon and 0.0115 mSv/d radon. The background dose rates in the area are about 0.0022 mSv/d photon and 0.0044 mSv/d radon. In other words, at the edge of the mill the photon dose rate is background, and the radon dose rate is less than one-fourth the EPA action limit (8 mSv/y) for indoor radon.