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1) An HBA is a Host Bus Adapter.
This is a controller that allows SAS and SATA devices to be attached to, and communicate directly with, a server. RAID controllers typically aggregate several disks into a Virtual Disk abstraction of some sort, and even in "JBOD" or "HBA mode" generally hide the physical device. If you cannot see the type of device (such as "ST6000DX000-1H217Z" in "camcontrol devlist", you DO NOT HAVE A TRUE HBA. If you cannot get the output of "smartctl" for a device, you DO NOT HAVE A TRUE HBA. A true HBA passes communications through itself directly to a drive without further processing. No amount of marketing department wishful thinking can change that technical reality.
2) FreeBSD has incredibly robust support for the LSI HBA's.
FreeBSD's LSI HBA (mps/mpr) drivers are authored by LSI and carefully designed to work with their HBA firmware. The FreeNAS userbase has installed many thousands of these cards which have, in aggregate, BILLIONS of problem-free run-hours. Not only are they known to work very well during normal operations, but they're also known to work correctly during ABNORMAL operations, such as when a disk times out or throws an error. SMART is properly supported. Forum members are incredibly familiar with all the variations on these and can provide useful assistance. Cards such as the LSI 9240-8i, IBM ServeRAID M1015, Dell PERC H200 and H310, and others are readily available on the used market and can be converted to LSI 9211-8i equivalents.
3) You must crossflash to IT/IR firmware
If you don't crossflash, then a lot of the remainder of this ALSO applies to LSI non-IT- HBA's!! The IR firmware is also fine but is a few percent slower. It is not clear there is any value to doing this as you would never want to use an IR virtual device with FreeNAS. We used to do this in the old days for boot devices, but with ZFS boot this is probably no longer relevant.
The LSI 9240 (etc) default MFI firmware is apparently being sold on eBay as "IR" by clueless sellers. The MFI firmware is unsuitable for FreeNAS and may cause your pool to get eaten.
The LSI 9211-8i (PCIe 2.0 based on LSI 6Gbps SAS2008) and LSI 9207-8i (PCIe 3.0 based on LSI 6Gbps SAS2308) both require firmware