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Tucker Carlson recently sat down with Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote. As you might expect, after 2020, True the Vote is paying very close attention to this year's presidential election. But what Engelbrecht says she found hidden in an obscure section of the U.S. code, could hold the key to a lot of what is going on, and the timing for it.
Engelbrecht told Carlson that she just happened upon it herself. Title 18, under the heading "Crimes and Criminal Procedure," states, "if the (illegal) alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States," that in Engelbrecht's words, "they are subject to no prosecution."
Wait, what?! So if someone comes into the country illegally, votes in the election, is caught, but then says they believed themselves to be U.S. citizens just because they came across the border and maybe checked in with the Border Patrol, they can now vote in the election? Engelbrecht went on to say that when she found this, she showed it to legislators, immigration attorneys, and even attorneys for True the Vote. The response was deer in the headlight stares. Engelbrecht added, "We've seen many many people coming across the border who are talking about their excitement about voting for Joe Biden, and claiming that they are citizens." //
In another part of the interview, Carlson asks if she believes that the majority of illegal immigrants would, or will, vote Democrat. Engelbrecht's answer is a sobering one. She stated, "I certainly see that the NGOs and the outfits that are bringing them across the country are grooming them for that purpose." //
Carlson then asks Engelbrecht incredulously, if the Biden administration is registering illegal immigrants to vote. In an even more sobering response, Engelbrecht states "They certainly are setting up all of the place settings to do it...It's not at all beyond the realm of possibilities, that is in fact, exactly what is happening." //
Funny, we thought Democrats were itching for another pandemic, but just maybe, illegal immigration is indeed the 2024 pandemic. //
5 hours ago
In case anyone wanted to look at the "obscure" USC, since Redstate doesn't provide it, here it is:
18 U.S. Code § 611 (c)