488 private links
6 hours ago
He is right and he knows it and we all know it. The Democrats have a number of Nazi era planks to be debated at their convention in Chicago, and the fact that rounding up Jews is unlikely to be adopted is not exactly comforting. ]This is the first time a major party will take up Jewish expulsion in an American election since Lincoln and Grant tried to introduce such positions in to the Republican platforms in 1864 and 1868 and, of course, they did expel the Jews from the United States, so its not a great precedent.
anon-y65w anon-89ic
5 hours ago edited
Actually, General Order No. 11 was issued by Grant in 1862, effective only in the then Dept. of the Tennessee and was limited to TN, KY, MS. No one was expelled from the US, and when Pres. Lincoln found out about the order, he rescinded it immediately.
Hatred of Jews has been, sadly, a part of US history more often than not.
Laocoön of Troy anon-89ic
6 hours ago
Grant was trying to eliminate illegal cotton smuggling from the South to speculators in the North. When Lincoln got wind if it he ordered Grant to back off.
"... A paper purporting to be General Orders, No. 11, issued by you December 17, has been presented here. By its terms, it expells [sic] all Jews from your department. If such an order has been issued, it will be immediately revoked. ..."
You need to read whatever informed your ignorance more closely.
Grant formally rescinded the order, January 17, 1863, within three weeks after Lincoln revoked the order.