488 private links
4 hours ago
Next up is going after the DOJ, prosecutors and judges who have allowed this gross violation of the Constitution in the first place. There have to be consequences. If not, then it will happen again.
This isn't just about J6. We are seeing the same thing with prolife protesters. We are seeing with Trump on his numerous charges in several states. The "justice" system is out of control. If the people doing this do not face prison themselves, then they will do it again. At the end of the day, these defendants have lost part of their lives they can never get back, not to mention the money, stress, etc. What do the prosecutors, judges and DOJ officials lose? Nothing. Maybe a bit of embarrassment, that they really don't care about because they are heroes in their circles for trying.
Without consequences, real and severe, we will just get more of this. //
etba_ss Laocoön of Troy
an hour ago
Ultimately to quote John Adams, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Our ultimate problem is that we lack the morality as a society to function under our Constitution. In the end, the Constitution is a piece of paper. It is only as valid as the will of the people to ensure that it is upheld. We are not a nation of laws, but a nation of political will. If the people lack the political will to demand the Constitution be followed, then it is null and void for all practical purposes.
In the past, if someone stepped way out of line of the Constitution, such as prosecuting political enemies, the bulk of the country would not put up with it and would throw that person and their allies out of power. It harkens back to Adams' words. The people have a higher authority that politics or the Constitution. They would call out their own side if required. The left has no limits. They are Voldemort, "There is no good or evil, there is only power."