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What does it tell us that the outgoing president believes simply meeting "more world leaders than any one of you" gives him credibility? It tells us that Washington is riddled with meaningless credentialism, whereby politicians are granted "expertise" simply by virtue of existing.
Biden has been around for a long time. Thus, in his mind, and the minds of many Democrats and the national press, he must know what he's talking about. Is that true, though? That's rhetorical because we all know it's not true. Biden is perhaps the worst foreign policy mind in American history when you consider the length of his tenure within the federal government. //
Credentialism has destroyed the federal government. It has turned it into a jobs program for mediocrities who leech off of taxpayers for decades at a time, never having to deliver anything positive for the American people. Joe Biden is the epitome of that culture, and it is somewhat poetic that he'll be leaving Washington as a disgrace.