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A confidential draft memo from Everybody Votes indicates its goal is registering voters of certain demographics to “reshape the electorate” — even bragging that its efforts would be the “single most effective tactic for ensuring Democratic victories.” So much for non-partisan! In 2016 and 2020, this 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization spent $106 million targeting specific voters and reportedly worked with the Hillary Clinton campaign on shaping its strategy.
Nonprofit voter registration groups are required to remain non-partisan under federal law, but Democrats have been exploiting this tax-exempt status for their own benefit for decades. Of course, there has been no prosecution against Everybody Votes because their financial backer is George Soros. The Democrats aren’t going to prosecute their own people. Until the corrupt Democrat machine is removed from power they will continue to illegally influence elections through their illegal, partisan voter registration drives — as evidenced in Pennsylvania.
These schemes to use low-level workers to harvest new voter registrations isn’t new. Remember ACORN — Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now? One of their famous community organizers was Barack Obama. ACORN paid workers to register voters across the nation, but criminal activity plagued the organization. Ultimately, they went out of business and at least 18 employees were convicted on election fraud charges. Those were just the ones who were caught.
Everybody Votes is this generation’s ACORN. They are being accused of massive voter registration fraud and the Harris-Biden administration is doing nothing about it. Instead, they are weaponizing the Justice Department by attacking their political opposition: Elon Musk.