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Building Christlike character one story at a time.
We’d like to introduce to you our collection of rare books and audio dramas along with a colorful cast of characters who live out a biblical worldview centered around four truths:
- God is good.
- God works all things together for good.
- God keeps His promises.
- God allows suffering to grow our character so we can experience His love.
Steeped in these biblical themes, each Lamplighter book and audio drama demonstrates how “suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and hope never disappoints, because God’s love is gushed out into our lives” (Romans 5:3-5).
As you engage in these life-transforming stories, you’ll experience the Word of God as it was intended, for it is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword! In a day and age when Hollywood and social media have captured the hearts and minds of our children, it is our goal that each reader and listener be inspired to know God intimately, proclaim Him passionately, and enjoy Him infinitely!