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"We're just fundamentally un-serious about spending. As long as you got a blank check you can't shrink government. If you can't shrink government you can't live free!"
10:51 AM · Dec 17, 2024 //
This is not the Way. And how long has it been, by the way, since Congress approved an actual budget? Oh, that's right - 1997. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so alarming; it's like they aren't even trying. //
We, and our elected representatives, would do well to remember the words of the late Barry Goldwater:
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. //
3 hours ago edited
"I'll go one step further and say that we must reduce not only the deficit but the national debt. "
The national debt is a fiction. The interest however is very real and the owners of The Federal Reserve System (fancy name for private -for profit corporation) are raking it in.
JP Morgan financed two American wars in the late 1800s. How did he do it. He loaned the Federal Government actual dollars from his bank reserves. in the early 1900s he had an idea for the most lucrative business in the history of the world. Financing the Federal Government with monopoly money.
In 1910 he got together with eight other titans of banking and crafted the plan for The Fed. 15 regional banks all plugged into a central bank in DC but ultimately run by The Fed in New York.
What's cost of printing money? Inflation.
If the Federal government was printing money into existence that would be the cost. Inflation.
So why do we have a national debt in addition to inflation? The Mandrake Mechanism. The Federal Government doesn't print money. In 1913 they granted The Fed a charter to do that and then loan the money to the government at interest. The Fed literally creates money out of this air and then loans it to the American people. Now The Fed can only finance debt and what was their model? Financing wars. The US Congress was very debt averse but one thing you could count on them for... financing a war. The story goes on and on.
For the last 110 years we've had a State Department and CIA fomenting trouble all over the world. Starting fires and then putting them out. And back home we have an FBI always vigilant for any member of Congress, the press or the public for that matter who questions the lucrative arrangement.
So there is no national debt. It's all stolen money. Call it the crime of the last century. //
Leitmotif Sam Grant
an hour ago
Understood. And I do not disagree that the Creature From Jekyll Island has been a manifest cancer on the body politic of the republic
But, I'm less inclined to agree that it's principal goal has been to forment foreign wars.
Rather, it's principal goal has been to privatize the profits of big member banks, while simultaneously socializing xing the risks and financial busts that are a direct result of the inherently fraudulent fractional reserve banking paradigm that is, alas, at the very core of our modern financial system. //
anon-qacb Billy Wallace
4 hours ago edited
In 2008 our National Debt was around 10 Trillion, that's the year Obumer took office. The Democrats have held the Presidency 12 out of the last 16 years and our deficit is now 36 Trillion. So it took us 240 years to get to 10 trillion and only 16 years to add another 26 trillion more. How does that even happen, That is NUTS ! Regardless of which party you belong to we all should have enough brains to realize this can't continue. Name calling does nothing to help the cause and bring people together.