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Bondi is a terrifying woman if you're a Democrat, and just how scared of her Democrats are more than came through in their questioning of her. They would hardly ever let her speak. When she started giving answers they didn't like, or when she'd checkmate them, they'd either talk over her or immediately move on.
You only do that when you have an unmitigated contempt for the person you're engaging with, and I'm pretty sure that this contempt stems from their fear of Bondi. They are terrified that she will do to them what they did to Trump, to Republicans, and to us.
Their strategy isn't necessarily to stop her confirmation — which is more than likely going to happen — it's to set up narratives that make Bondi seem like she's abusing her position in order to weaponize the justice system against Democrats. Yes, this is exactly what the Democrats did during Biden's administration, but they're still hoping they can sell this narrative in an age where the legacy media has lost a great deal of its power.
If they can get social media clips circulating of them warning Bondi against doing such a thing, and admonishing her for Trump even thinking about doing it, then when a Democrat is inevitably caught up in something they can appear on networks with a "see, I told you she was corrupt" and a "Trump is everything we warned everyone about" for good measure. //
So if they did nothing wrong, then Democrat politicians have nothing to worry about. She will maintain the honor of her position... but if you did break the law, then don't be surprised to have a one on one meeting with justice as arranged by Pam Bondi. //
12 hours ago
Bondi. Pam Bondi.