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Black Magic
10 hours ago
America is being confronted with a harsh reality and it upsets all of the normal standards when we are being faced with a choice between good and evil. And there is no greater example of evil and good than the woke left and the make America great again movement, i.e. Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is no saint, and I don't think he would EVER claim to be, but he is a patriot that loves his country and wants to serve it to better it, in return for all it has given him.
Kamala Harris is an empty pantsuit, with nothing to offer other than her desire to get as much as she can before the ride ends. She was GIVEN her position based on nothing but her skin color and her perceived lack of a threat to a weak candidate that was reaching for any lifeline. He made a major mistake, he trusted the movers and shakers of the woke, leftist democratic/marxist party since he had been a participant in their greediness and corruption for so long, he stupidly thought he had their respect. He was wrong.
Let us hope the American electorate has learned what happens when you elect (or supposedly elect) an incompetent taker that has never contributed to or built anything in America. Cackling camela fell for the msm propaganda as surely as did pos joe, and she will find how quickly they turn on her as they did on him.
Politics is a dirty business, and Donald Trump is a rare find in a politician, he actually does care about America and Americans. Up until he challenged the woke, leftist democrats, they loved him and always had their hand out to him, for whatever they could get out of him. He has learned a hard lesson at great cost to himself and his family, because he committed the cardinal sin to the woke, leftist democratic/marxist party - he actually liked the middle class and working people, and they didn't need a college degree to get his respect.
Their insane hatred of him since he declared for Republican nominee for President truly knows no bounds and he surely must be aware that they will not stop until he stops them. I think he learned a lot from his last four years in office and I look forward to him proving it.
I have had comments from those that thought my respect for him and the fact that I actually believe in him, shows some defect in my character or worse. As anyone that has ever reached for the brass ring knows, losers always try to drag you down rather than best you, and failing that, will not hesitate to resort to violence.
Losers usually also find out, winners are winners because they know how to deal with losers.
And Donald Trump is definitely a winner.