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“There's been a lot of violence, a lot of terrorism in Israel, and I've seen a lot of it over the years. But honestly, nothing compares to what happened here. You're talking about now it's 1,400, way over a thousand, close to 1,100 are civilians, men, women, and children, babies, mothers…a mother who was pregnant, her belly cut up and terrible things done, other things that are beyond this. I've done interviews on TV and other places. You can't write this stuff. You can't say it, the details of what happened, of what a so-called human being could do.” //
Yeah, the irony, I mean, it's just beyond, beyond. Yeah, these communities were communities that, quote unquote, supported the Palestinian cause."
As for the nation of Israel, Mr. Hikind explained that the populace is united after having been through a period of deep division over various political matters. “But everything has changed,” he told me. “This country is as united as it has ever been, as determined to destroy Hamas.” //
“The respect that was shown to dead terrorists being collected and put into body bags was something that I couldn't believe…Two dead terrorists, being treated with dignity. Can you figure that one out?”
I also asked Mr. Hikind about the plight of civilians living in Gaza. He detailed how the refugees in Gaza and the West Bank have been wronged by their leadership, which has repeatedly refused to engage in good-faith peace talks with Israel.