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2 hours ago
Seems to me many people liked Obama, because of his charisma, his supposed, coolness. I’ll give him this, he was good at reading speeches, but would fumble and stumble about when answering questions, would draw out his answer to the point of everyone wanting to go home after he answered just one question, in the last hour and ten minutes. He sure could filibuster with the best of them in response. He stood at the podium for an hour and forty five minutes answering all three questions asked, in the allotted time.
In my experience he is and was the most divisive leader this Country has ever seen ! Set the racial divide back seventy years at least. Definitely did nothing to unite the people. A sad chapter for the US of America. //
2 hours ago edited
Obama has wildly succeeded in turning this country into bitter factions- it is he who started the woke movement. He continues to work behind the scenes to Cloward & Piven the country. He's done untold illegal things in the shadows, emboldened by the media's compliance. In terms of effectiveness, I'd say he was a success. //