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CO2 enrichment of sour orange trees: 2.5 years into a long-term experiment
S. B. IDSO, B. A. KIMBALL, S. G. ALLEN. Plant, Cell, & Environment
Volume14, Issue 3. Pages 351-353
First published: April 1991
Abstract. Eight sour orange trees have been grown from seedling stage in the field at Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., in four identically-vented, open-top, clear-plastic-wall chambers for close to 2.5 years. Half of the chambers have been maintained at ambient atmospheric CO2 concentrations over this period, while half of them have been maintained at 300 ppm (300 μlmol CO2 per mol air) above ambient. Initially, the trees in each treatment were essentially identical; but in less than 2 years, the trunks of the CO2-enriched trees had become twice as large as their ambient-treatment counterparts. After 2 full years of growth, the enriched trees had 79% more leaves, 56% more primary branches with 172% more volume, 70% more secondary branches with 190% more volume, and 240% more tertiary branches with 855% more volume. In addition, the CO2-enriched trees also had fourth-, fifth- and sixth-order branches, while the ambient-treatment trees had no branches above third order. Total trunk plus branch volume of the CO2-en-riched trees was 2.79 times that of the ambient-treatment trees after 2 fulf years of growth.