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15 hours ago edited
Vote like your life depends on it for Trump in November.
Dems are 1 or 2 moves from checkmate.
1) Vote to end the filibuster
2) Pack the Supreme Court and unleash every unconstitutional idea they have, including legalizing 30m migrants who could then turn Texas and or Florida blue.
We would still have elections to keep up appearances, but it would be like CA now where you just find out which Democrat won.
If it were not for illegals given Amnesty by Reagan, CA might still be a red state. It's only gotten worse since. We cannot risk repeating that mistake.
Illegals pad their House seats and EC votes. And that's just CA. How many states are blue now just because of the impact of illegals?
Raskin and Sheldon are telling you this is what they want to do. Believe them.
Vote Trump. He's the only one besides the Dem nominee who could win.
Anyone who stays home or votes 3rd party better feel super confident that the rest of us are gonna save the country for you.
Saying you hate both candidates is childish. One of them is going to win.
Biden (or any Democrat) WILL support finishing what Joe Biden and Obama started.
Trump will fight to restore the republic. You may not like him or believe he can succeeed, but you best believe a fresh Democrat administration would believe they have a mandate to tell us all to sit down and shut up.
They've worked 100+ years to get here. This may be our last peaceful chance to reverse course.
I hope I'm wrong. But do you want to bet on it?