488 private links
2 hours ago edited
CNN is now a Reality TV program about a News Network. It is increasingly by default, about a dying News Network.
What this now most means, is that whatever content we are offered, is as-likely produced, as opposed to uncovered or however legitimately presented. They are perfectly willing to create their own content, as here, and throw their own people to the wolves in the process, in pursuit of the sole reality Reality TV has ever at-all concerned itself with achieving: ratings.
What Pro Wrestling is to Sports, CNN now is to News.
msctex surfcat50
2 hours ago
It has never been acknowledged as the uniquely American Art form it is, one not unlike Jazz. The Japanese and Mexicans have embraced it rabidly, but this utterly unique blend of Sport and Theatre, steeped until soaking in the absolute worst aspects of Travelling Carnivals, is that much ours.