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A “diverse” air traffic controller could kill you. //
You see, if there aren’t enough blacks or women it is always because of malicious barriers. The very first sentence of the report says that the secretary “made an historic commitment to transform the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) into a more diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects, understands, and relates to the diverse customers we serve.” //
So, in 2014, the FAA ditched the AT-SAT – which it had used for decades – and told all the people who had scored 85 or better and were waiting for a job offer that they had to take a brand-new test, called the Biographical Assessment.
This was an online personality test of 114 questions. It asked such things as: The number of different high school sports you played. The number of college credit hours you had in art, music, dance, or drama. Whether you had a job in any of the last three years. It was graded pass/fail, according to mysterious, never-acknowledged criteria.
My guess is that if you played a lot of sports and took no art classes, you were more likely to be black, so you passed. //
The Inspector General of the Department of Transportation found that the FAA fed the right answers to the black coalition, which fed them to black test-takers so they could cheat (and, of course, lie, if they had taken art and played no sports). It’s a crime to cheat on a federal exam or help someone cheat, but there was no punishment. This guy, Joseph Teixeira, resigned from the FAA, and the cheating scandal disappeared like the morning mist. //
The big New York Times investigation I mentioned earlier found that of the 313 air traffic facilities in the country, only three were fully staffed. The New York regional facility, for example, is short hundreds of controllers and is operating at just over 50 percent recommended staffing.
The Times quotes anonymous burnt-out controllers: “The staffing shortage is beyond unsustainable. It has now moved into a phase of JUST PLAIN DANGEROUS.” Also, “Controllers are making mistakes left and right. Fatigue is extreme.”
Guess how many words were about the thousands of top-qualified candidates who were frozen out because they were white? Zero. And about the black cheaters? Can’t mention that. This is the newspaper of record, after all. //
In 2021, we got “United Airlines vows 50% of new pilots hired will be women or minorities to reflect passenger diversity.” //
Who’s going to reflect the passengers who are children? Or blind? Or who don’t know left from right?
And, in case you were wondering, there are already 52 medical schools that no longer require applicants to take the Medical College Aptitude Test or MCAT because, well, you know why.