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The running slope is to be uniform along a run, although slight variations may occur with certain materials such as concrete. No other changes in level other than the running slope (1:12 maximum) and cross slope (1:48 maximum) are permitted. //
Ramp runs must have a clear width of 36″ minimum (measured between handrails where provided). //
The height of runs is limited (30″ maximum), but there is no limit on the number of runs a ramp may have. //
Intermediate landings between runs must be at least 60″ wide clear and 60″ long clear where ramps change direction (any change from linear). Handrails, edge protection, vertical posts and other elements cannot obstruct or overlap the minimum 60″ by 60″ clearance. //
Handrails are required on both sides of ramps with a rise greater than 6″.
Handrail height of 34-38" consistent along length, 20-28" in play areas. //
Edge protection along ramp runs and landings keep wheelchair casters and crutch tips on the surface and can be provided by curbs, barriers, or extended surfaces.
- Curbs if used must be at least 4″ high.
- Rails or other barriers must prevent passage of a 4″ diameter sphere.
- Vertical pickets used for edge protection must prevent passage of a 4″ diameter sphere.
- Run and landing surfaces that extend at least 12″ beyond the inside face of handrails will provide adequate edge protection by preventing wheelchair casters and crutch tips from slipping off the edge.