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3 days ago
A Secret Service agent fired multiple shots at this guy at close range and missed him clean. Seem he was supposed to get away. But a person took a pic of his license plates and called 911. Local law enforcement picked him up. Don’t think that was supposed to happen. Now there is a mess that has to be cleaned up before he sings. Let’s see how this works out. //
3 days ago
The Feds were behind both assassination attempts.
Crooks was supposed to get off kill shot before being taken out by the counter snipers who were there for that express purpose.
Routh was supposed to get away but ran afoul of an alert citizen with a camera.
The Feds need to maintain total control over Routh and that means maintain physical possession of him. As long as they maintain physical possession of him he knows that one false move will get him Epsteined. If Florida is able to proceed with their case they get the chance to speak with him privately. I'd love to be a fly on that wall.
Can't get Kash into the bureau soon enough.