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Do not present us with a plan that doesn’t have a wall and doesn’t have total enforcement of the immigration laws with ironclad enforcement provisions. Everything needs to be notwithstanding other laws, so they can’t sue to stop you. There has to be a grant of standing for states to sue to enforce the laws. And there has to be a cut off of any kind of aid the second the border reopens. Good gosh, this isn’t hard. But it seems really hard for you guys. I attribute that to the fact that, and I want to be charitable about this, a lot of you are really stupid.
Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats.
You’re not smart enough to pull it off. Just say no to everything until the Dems comply. What’s the worst case? We have a wide-open border, and we’re not spending money on other people’s wars? That compares favorably to the present situation, where we have a wide-open border, and we are spending money on other people’s wars. //
I don’t know how many times I have to say this because I’ve been around for a while, and I’ve seen this same thing happen again and again and again when squish GOP senators try to negotiate with the Democrats about immigration. I know it’s meant to bully mental defectives, but when it comes to the GOP Senate caucus, that rule does not apply since some of its members apparently cannot learn from experience and must learn through pain. Here is a message to you, spineless Republican senators….
Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats.
This same sorry scenario gets replayed over and over again. //
Maximus Decimus Cassius
5 hours ago edited
Hey Kurt, maybe its not because RINO Senators are horrible negotiators, or naive buffoons, but perhaps we need revisit Hanlon's razor. I mean, how many times have RINO doofuses tried to "negotiate" an immigration deal and they wind up getting hosed? It goes as far back as our beloved Ronald Reagan.
So maybe its not naivete or stupidity. Maybe its just plain greed and treachery.