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Black Magic
an hour ago
What is thoroughly disgusting about these actions are some of the core issues that need to be addressed and put to bed for good.
I'm 71 years old, and I grew up in an America that experienced social upheaval on the scale of george floyd riots except it was the Martin Luther King assassination, wars that people poured into the streets to protest against and what, at one time, was considered the ultimate threat to our country, the assassination of our President.
Through all of this and much much more, all the way up till the end of the last century, we had one constant we could all count on, we were all Americans and had each other's backs. We would fight like cats and dogs over various things but just like family (at least the way I was raised) you never abandoned each other and you ALWAYS stuck together to fight an existential threat to your family.
Then we were confronted with Barack Obama, the man that was going to pull us all together and end the divisions in America. Instead we got the great divider that stirred up racial passions and destroyed nearly all of the advances we had made in race relations. It turns out, that was intentional and most likely entirely playbooked by Saul Alinsky, an avowed marxist and communist admirer. We were literally being pyshoped by a sitting President and his communist/marxist advisers - and likely other communist countries that saw an opportunity they NEVER thought they would have.
Trump was born of this self inflicted division and chaos from the woke left and attacked non stop his entire Presidency and afterwards, as they truly feared he had what it took to turn the tide back to American greatness and patriotism.
Then the questionable (not in my opinion) loss to pos biden and the same enemies of America raised their heads again and doubled down on their divisiveness and attacks on anything and anyone that loved and yearned for the America of old to return. All of the conspiracy theories we have been told were nonsense are being exposed to sunlight and we are finding they were not theories at all but actual conspiracies.
I hope they BURN those associated with this FEMA scandal/conspiracy and make an example so harsh no one will consider this type of action again. The most recent election has shown Americans want to go back to the days of working together to improve and strengthen America and the minority votes President Trump received show it is popular across the entire racial spectrum.
We want to be the America that shows the world how it is done and with the mandate Trump has been given and the desire of the electorate to throw away all of the division and ginned up racial animosity we can go back to the days of Tip O'Neal and Ronald Reagan when opponents respected each other and would fight for their ideas but could have a beer at the end of the day and congratulate our opponents on their victories and tell each other,"I'll get you next time" in good natured sportsmanship, something sadly lacking recently but I believe on the horizon and making a comeback.
I am very much looking forward to the progress America is going to make going forward and can easily imagine the reinvigorated greatness to come.
Thank you God for this opportunity.