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Of all the people in the world who you'd expect to draw controversy, Mr. Beast would probably be near the bottom of the list. We live in incredibly stupid times, though, and that's why the YouTuber is currently caught in a scandal over his building of 100 wells in Africa. No, I'm not kidding.
So what's the problem? Well, Mr. Beast is white, and we can't have white guys going to Africa to help people lest they violate the principles of left-wing identity politics. //
We all know what this is really about. These pathetic complaints are an extension of the insane "white savior" smear that the left has long been used by progressives worldwide. Do you know how many actual African villagers who now have drinking water are offended by the fact that a white guy paid for their wells? The answer is zero. It's a made-up scandal by left-wing ideologues who subscribe to the most ridiculous notions of intersectionality.
In the end, Mr. Beast building wells for Africans is embarrassing to those who would rather capitalize on the suffering of the continent than see problems fixed. That's why these people are lashing out. For example, the CEO quoted above works for a non-profit that has raised $131,000. Of that, $83,000 went to internal operating expenses. Given how much it costs to drill a well, I'd be surprised if that organization has drilled even a single one. Mr. Beast doing their job for them means less graft for them to siphon off for base salaries, though, so they are angry about it.
If you've ever heard someone describe liberalism as a mental disorder, this is as good of an example as you'll find. For his part, Mr. Beast isn't taking the criticism lying down.
MrBeast @MrBeast
I already know I’m gonna get canceled because I uploaded a video helping people, and to be 100% clear, I don’t care. I’m always going to use my channel to help people and try to inspire my audience to do the same 😅❤️
12:30 PM · Nov 4, 2023 //
Sactomike 4 hours ago
Take up the White Man's burden --
The savage wars of peace --
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch Sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hope to nought