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mustached-dog Seniorius Lurkius
Interestingly enough, "Jia Tan" is very close to 加蛋 in Mandarin, meaning "to add an egg". Unlikely to be a real name or a coincidence. //
choco bo Ars Praetorian
Performance hit is quite substantial, actually. I have no doubt that this thing would have been detected, eventually. However, it might have happened months from now. Then it would have been everywhere already.
But this is a good thing. A very good thing, actually.
There have been discussions about supply chain attacks, for years. Decades, actually. We used to call it "poisoning the well" many years ago. But no matter how much we talk about it, it was all theoretical. I mean, people even assumed that compilers have been backdoored many years ago. But noone was going to spend this much effort just to show that it was possible and to make people accept the possibility. So not much was really done about it.
Until now.
Now we are already seeing changes being made to OpenSSH that would have not been possible few months ago. Native systemd notification integration is already been developed (since 30th of March), so no need for libsystemd linking anymore. It will take some time to get integrated but it will happen. We are seeing people understanding that there is absolutely no need to have binary blobs in source repositories (except rare cases, of course, but those are going to be audited even more now). Checking source repositories against tarballs have been done before, many times. But obviously it wasn't good enough or often enough. That will change as well. People being dicks to maintainers are going to get greeted with "go fuck yourself" now, without a second thought. It will be extreme but it will be safer. For eternity I was terrified of compiling software myself because every time I invoked "./configure ..." I would think "fuck knows what is going on there right now". I did occasionally check scripts, I would grep for unexpected things but I was aware I'd never detect a very skilled attacker, like this one. Now there is going to be much more checking of autoconf/make/CMake/etc files in source repos. It won't be easy to detect things, but it will be easier. More eyes will be put on sources. For example, I am going to pick a random smaller project and just read the commit history, look for oddities, etc. Not because I expect to find something but I want to see what else should be looked at, etc. Eventually, I might end up with toolset that might help speed this process up. So there will be at least one more set of eyes looking at sources. I imagine that companies/organizations with more resources are going to put tons of effort into automating all this. So yeah, xz backdoor is actually a good thing, in a very bizarre way.
Also, I can't hunt all the references at the moment but I believe it was certificate (not the SSH key) that is used as a vector of attack, because certs are checked early and no configuration options will disable that check, while it wouldn't be the case with keys. A change to OpenSSH has already been suggested so OpenSSH will only get more secure because of this and one less vector of attack is now available.
Amount of skill and time/effort invested in this is mind blowing. I don't think people outside security really comprehend the skill/time involved here, this was insanely well executed attack. My first thought was "This had to be TURLA" because it was insanely smart and whoever did this had lots of patience. This does not (and will not) happen often.
So yeah, we were incredibly lucky that a Postgres developer caught it early.
However, it is mind blowing how many times security incidents have been detected by looking at CPU/RAM usage on systems, it is really no surprise that this is how xz backdoor got detected.