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Why do Democrats do this, and what does it say about their governance? They do it because they believe you are stupid. They truly think Americans are child-like figures with no more common sense than your average five-year-old. To the average left-winger, you are an idiot who needs to be meticulously guided down to having your words coached. More importantly, that forms the very basis of the left-wing power structure.
If the majority of Americans actually believed they could accomplish things on their own, without the need for politicians to light the way and provide everything for them, Democrats would never win another election. That's what is so insidious about the constant infantilization of voters. It conditions people to rely on an ineffective, wasteful government to take care of them the way instead of taking advantage of the opportunities in front of them. //
5 minutes ago
We should bear in mind the Left has moved Heaven and Earth for decades, to create a playing field comprised as entirely of fundamentally ignorant and/or acceptably brainwashed people, as possible. It is Human nature to want to assume that something one has worked hardest to create, matters. That the Creation in question here is offered from a place of the most self-serving, malevolent intent -- a thing hopefully one day recognized as the ideological Warcrime it unquestionably is -- manages to be beside the point. They treat us like fools, because they that much absolutely require it to be the case, in order to survive.
This is one of those times when it sounds like I'm being sardonic, and I might even have lifted a first foot in that direction. But the further I went, the more unavoidably true the matter presented itself as being. These people have an absolute knack for engendering these things. It is almost a skill.