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The bill is headed to Governor Henry McMaster, who is expected to sign the bill.
Few things make Leviathan more terrified than free people.
"This is a permitless carry," Sen. Margie Bright Matthews said. "Why are we going to allow people to carry more guns, and this time without a [concealed weapons permit]? //
7 hours ago edited
What a lot of people don't grasp is that freedom while great, isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Freedom also has a lot of really terrifying aspects to it too. Freedom includes the freedom to fail, the freedom to be poor, the freedom to die from our own mistakes, and the freedom to die from our own stupidity, our own incompetence, our own cowardice, and our own laziness.
It's much more comfortable for many people to abdicate responsibility for their own life and that of their family, to someone else or an entity like a government, than to feel the weight of that responsiblity on their own shoulders. This is why you see people begging to be disarmed and the desire to offer themselves up to be a slave, a child under the protection of Daddy, or Mommy, or the government. //
Random US Citizen Weminuche45
6 hours ago
Franklin's quote seems even more appropriate to our modern age than it was to his own. There are far too many citizens who'd give up liberty to obtain what isn't really isn't security.