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When World War I ended, the Ottoman Empire was no more. Jews began returning to the land of their biblical forefathers, given to them by God, as foretold in Scripture. The British government promised to create a new Jewish state in 1917 (the Balfour Declaration).
International organizations like the UN intervened in drawing up boundary proposals for the new state. Jews agreed to all, Palestinian Arabs agreed to none. Unlike in Arab lands where Jews were being deported, the new Israel welcomed Palestinians and invited them to be part of a nation reborn. Anticipating a war, Palestinian leaders implored their people to leave their homes and fight alongside their Arab brothers. Many Arabs did, leaving their homes, hoping to come back when the new nation was aborted. Five Arab nations invaded, but lost. The Arabs that left their homes wanted back, but Israel said, ‘Not so fast.’ No nation with any sense would allow enemies to return and take root. Thus, Israel was born in 1948, taking up about 0.2% of the Middle East, the size of New Jersey. And yet, there are groups that want to further divide Israel.
No private property was ever confiscated from an Arab. Every piece of private property obtained from Palestinians was purchased. //
Hamas was founded in 1987. They are an Islamic fundamentalist group, and by the very core of their being, they will never accept a Jewish state.
In 2005, Israel withdrew from Gaza, giving the Palestinians their own land. Some will remember news broadcasts of Israeli soldiers, sometimes forcefully, moving fellow Israelis out of their homes around Gaza and the West Bank.
It is important to note that every time Israel gave Palestinians land, it became a base of operations to attack Israel. It would be like giving Michigan to terrorists, then ducking missiles from Dearborn.
In 2006, the Palestinians voted, giving Hamas much more power than they had, a clear plurality. The Fatah Party of Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, was losing its grip on the people. In 2007, Hamas launched a bloody campaign against Fatah and took complete control over Gaza. Since then, Palestinians haven’t held an election.
Hamas began conducting terrorist attacks in Israel, killing 506 and wounding thousands. //
We know the history of Germany in 1938. Think it can’t happen here? It can, and it is. Eisenhower warned that this could happen. Turn around and observe what our political parties, globalists, bureaucrats, media, academics, distant parents, corporate scum, and unlimited government types have created. Then you will understand.