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He made it a point to stop and highlight that you aren't the weird ones, they are. Their behavior is atrocious, and their aims are just evil. "Reality has flipped," he said, stating that normal people aren't supporting the Democrat machine.
"It's the party of weirdos, of envy, of hate, of resentment, of bitterness, of weakness, of a total lack of creativity," Carlson said. "It's a part of conformity, it's a party of the machine where it doesn't matter who the candidate is, because individuals are immaterial. All that matters is the collective. That's the Soviet model." //
"Every person in this room needs to understand you are not in a despised minority," said Carlson. "You are in an incredibly gentle and tolerant majority who put up with this crap for way too long as they're insulting, not only you, but the memory of your ancestors who died for this country. They tore down statues to their memory. People who've never built anything in their lives. They went out of their way to humiliate you and spit on you, and the graves of your ancestors, and that's not an exaggeration. They did that."
"And this country is so nice," Carlson continued. "It's so polite. It's so thoughtful and empathetic and sweet. It's the kind of country that loves dogs and gives directions to strangers, that we put up with it for four years, but we can't anymore." //
The weird ones are the people who hate this country. It's the people who don masks and attack their fellow citizens in the streets over political disagreements. It's the ones who burn down their own neighborhoods and murder over falsehoods and exaggerations.
It's the ones who force divides between men and women, preaching that unhappiness and adherence to a corporate system is good, and that a loving home with a stable marriage and children is slavery.
... //
These people cannot win. The corporate media cannot succeed, and the Democrats cannot be given the power to continue driving us down this path of destruction born out of a prejudice for all things good.
You are the moral majority with the power to change things faster than you think. They don't want you to know that. They want you to think you're alone and powerless. They want you to think the world is theirs and there's nothing you can do about it.
It's time to prove them wrong. Get out there and vote.
And once we win, it will just be the beginning. We the people will destroy the machine they built and restore goodness and sanity to the madness. Things will change because they have to. They hope we'll go back to sleep, thinking we won the war. We won't. This isn't over. The war is just heating up. America has arrived at the battlefield.
Get ready.