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Blast from the past.
150-year-old love notes written by high school students were found in the floorboards of a school in Maine, according to Bangor Daily News.
Preservation contractor Lee Hoagland started working on the University of Southern Maine’s Academy Building in 2022, and over the course of a year he found hidden papers in a space between the first and second floors of the building built in 1806.
The papers included love letters between former students of what used to be a private college preparatory school for children aged 10 to 17 for upper-class families. //
While students wrote things about their fellow classmates and teachers on paper back then, nowadays “it’s all text and Snapchat,” Bischof pointed out.
“We’re not going to have this for future generations,” he added.
According to Bangor Daily News, the old papers are currently being kept in USM’s Department of Art. There are plans to archive the notes in the school’s Special Collections.