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I served as an Army IG investigator for three years. I never encountered anyone engaged in epic misconduct who had not eased himself into that position with a series of baby steps. The panache with which Hamilton called members of the selection board on behalf of a particular officer is not something displayed the first time you do it. This is particularly true when meddling with a critical selection board strikes at the very heart of the integrity the system must have to be respected. Hopefully, the investigators are looking into other possible incidents of Hamiltion trying to influence a command selection board. Second, a male general breaking all known rules on behalf of a female subordinate looks like more was going on here than fighting racism unless that's what the kids are calling it this week. //
In short, given the public domain information available, there doesn't seem to be any empirical evidence to support Hamilton's claim that he was intervening to prevent an injustice to Black officers and a great deal of evidence to indicate that he was personally pushing the candidacy of one particular officer who happened to work directly for him and who appears to be totally unqualified to command.
If Wormuth removes Hamilton from command, the fallout from a liberal White woman sacking a Black man during an election year will make me a fortune in my popcorn futures investment. //
Chuck in TX
3 hours ago
That initial 0-5 vote should have been a red flag and warned him off. Five generals unanimously and without reservation put it firmly on the record she was unqualified. There was no way that was getting changed without setting off alarm bells. Hubris is a hell of a thing. //
4 hours ago
We’ll soon find out he was having an unprofessional relationship with said LtCol, this was pay back on the investment.
streiff flyovercountry
4 hours ago
That's my bet, he was given an ultimatum by her to get her a battalion command slot or face the consequences.
Min Headroom llme streiff
4 hours ago
If it looks like a duck, and all that.
But as you note, an interesting thing is that the blatancy of this suggests he’s practiced at it. So he probably either doesn’t know or doesn’t care how it looks.
Laocoön of Troy
a minute ago
What Hamilton did was corrupt to the core. Sadly I cannot say that I haven't seen similar abuses in my beloved AF. However I don't hafta like it.
This entire thing is essentially out in the open and Hamilton is DARING the Army to do anything about his misbehavior. //
Laocoön of Troy
a minute ago
What Hamilton did was corrupt to the core. Sadly I cannot say that I haven't seen similar abuses in my beloved AF. However I don't hafta like it.
This entire thing is essentially out in the open and Hamilton is DARING the Army to do anything about his misbehavior.