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Please donate what you can, try to find a nonprofit to donate to. Uh, church, local PD. A lot of those are taking donations, sheriff's departments. I know my department is running a bunch of stuff to the western part of the state to help donate, but please do not donate to FEMA.
They are hindering a lot of what people are trying to accomplish out in the western part of the state.
FEMA doesn't understand that these Appalachian people are built differently. I'm very familiar with them. They are not gonna stand by idly and have government officials tell them what to do. FEMA's playing a game of FAFO because free men don't ask for permission. Again, please donate and help these people out. They need us now more than ever.” //
FEMA can try their bureaucratic "We're in charge" moves to try and divert resources and true help, but these mountain folks are not going to go quietly. Posts like this one, from law enforcement no less, help to bring even more noise.
After this first video went viral, Deputy DeStefano received lots of response and requests asking where they should send their donations. So, he did a follow-up video encouraging relief organizations and churches in the western part of the state to drop their contact information in the video comments.