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She wasn't done, though. In what appears to be a very coordinated campaign at this point, MSNBC put out a slobbering segment in which Jill Biden gives "journalist" Peter Alexander an Oval Office tour. The two are also seen discussing the "transfer of power" as if her opinion on such matters is relevant. //
To call all of this odd is an understatement. Jill Biden taking a leading role in multiple aspects of the administration all on the same day is too obvious to count as a coincidence. There's a message being sent here. What exactly that is is up for consideration, but I suspect Joe Biden's relinquishing of the presidential nomination to Kamala Harris has something to do with it. //
Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze
If you want to know why @peteralexander and others stopped asking questions about Biden's cognitive condition, this would be why.
Jill Biden is letting him sit at the Resolute Desk while she plays Acting President. Disgraceful.
5:18 PM · Sep 20, 2024