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As a nation founded on the revolutionary truth that “all men are created equal” with rights that come not from man but from God, we will never be indifferent to the suffering of our fellow man. But ultimately, under President Trump, the top priority of the United States Department of State must be and will be the United States. The direction he has given for the conduct of our foreign policy is clear. Every dollar we spend, every program we fund, and every policy we pursue must be justified with the answer to three simple questions:
• Does it make America safer?
• Does it make America stronger?
• Does it make America more prosperous?
Under President Trump, the dollars of hardworking American taxpayers will always be spent wisely and our power will always be yielded prudently, and toward what is best for America and Americans above all else. //
Rubio struck a very serious tone as he discussed the foreign policy priorities of Donald Trump, and competently answered all of the questions from the panel. Rubio's answer to a question from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) showed what the power structure will be like in the new administration:
"The foreign policy of the United States will be set by the president, and my job will be to advise and execute."