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There seems to be no end to warrantless surveillance... //
PaulBart • November 27, 2023 7:14 AM
Yawn. Wikileaks Assange still in jail. Snowden still fugitive in Russia. Hillary and the “missing” emails still not “found”.
Lets have state-sponsored health care. Nothing says government boot tastes delicious like having your medical records and health issues handled by the state. Mmm-mmm good. //
Aaron • November 27, 2023 10:19 AM
A government should know next to nothing about its people.
A people should know almost everything about their government.
The world is upside-down
For those who jumped all over @PaulBlart, you’re missing his point.
People who exposed illegal government actions are still prosecuted as criminals.
Government individuals who perform illegal actions are still in government.
The world is upside-down
The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits programs like this.
Yet it persists and gains funding
The world is upside-down. //
JonKnowsNothing • November 27, 2023 11:50 AM
re: You missed the memo – along with millions of others
The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits programs like this
No, No, No it doesn’t – anymore.
A good number of years back, before the NSA lost control of the narrative, they used to claim they did everything according to the “commonly understood meaning” of the 4th amendment: Get a Warrant.
Once they began to lose control, they were confronted by their real usage of this amendment. There are videos of the debate with Gen Michael Hayden on this topic along with a laugh track at what he said. He said it plain and clear.
Gen Hayden is one smart guy and you never want to enter a debate with him.
The 4th states that “unreasonable” searches require a warrant
It does not say ALL searches require a warrant, only “unreasonable” ones
So, it was quite simple logic shift -
All searches are now “reasonable” and not “unreasonable”
All searches include “everything” the new definition of “relevant”
So the NSA, CIA, All USA Leas do not need a warrant unless they want to.
If they want to arrest someone and charge them with some crime, they will get a warrant via parallel construction for the courts. //
Aaron • November 27, 2023 6:29 PM
I didn’t miss the memo
I served under Gen. “Porky the Pig” Hayden
The memo is an illegitimate power grab from a long line of 3 letter agencies that no longer serve the purpose in which they were commissioned for.