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A group of eleven former Republican prosecutors and elected officials have asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to open an investigation into Elon Musk for paying registered voters in seven states to sign a petition supporting the First and Second Amendments. //
As Musk has elevated his profile in politics (see 'To Hell With Them': Elon Knocks Those Who Are 'Fundamentally Anti-American' As He Stumps for Trump in PA), he has become a target of the US government. Sunday, the New York Times wrote a gleeful story on all the federal agencies investigating either Musk or his business ventures, complete with a helpful infographic. //
If Harris wins in November, Musk's grim prediction to Tucker Carlson will probably be vindicated: "If he loses, I’m f—-d.”. //
Mr. Bear
3 hours ago
Someone suggested to me that they would check their pursuit of Elon Musk because SpaceX IS the US space program now. I warned them that they didn't understand leftists at all. Leftists care that you conform or get destroyed; nothing else matters to them. Hell, they don't like the space program anyway, and never have ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goh2x_G0ct4 )
Pol Pot was a typical leftist at the end of the movement. He murdered everyone who could do something useful. People who can do things tend to be rational thinkers, which is dangerous to leftist regimes. They murdered millions and wrecked their country and economy for decades, and I don't think they ever regretted it. And they will do it here if good people don't stand up and stop them. It's going to get messy. //
mopani Mr. Bear
3 minutes ago edited
"This perfume could have been sold for a year's wages and the money given to the poor!" said the man who was helping himself to the purse.
"This space program is wasting money that could be given to the poor! And it's only beneficial to rich people!" //
Laocoön of Troy streiff
3 hours ago
Ran across this story: George Washington was running for a seat in the VA House of Delegates. As usual Washington leveraged his sterling reputation in his campaign. His opponant fortified his own appeal by delivering alcohol to his speeches. It was customary, but Washington wanted to eliminate any suggestion of impropriety. He lost. When Washington ran again he delivered rum, beer, whisky, and other beverages from the distillery he ran on his farm to his events. He won.
Lesson learned: Washington may have been the most careful American leader in terms of his reputation and cultivating the power of it. But he was also mindful of the customs of his day. America was blessed by God for the leadership of Washington. He was the essential man for his time.