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In an attempt to claw back some of her lost support, Harris recently appeared with Kareem Rahma, a Muslim influencer. During the interview, which was so bad it went unpublished, the vice president made two major mistakes.
The first was a refusal to discuss the war between Israel and Hamas. Surprising no one, Rahma is extremely anti-Israel and was looking for Harris to throw him a bone on the issue. For her to show up and think she could get away with not talking about it is unfathomable for a presidential campaign. It does show the sense of entitlement Harris continually operates with, though.
That wasn't the worst of it, though. Instead of talking about the conflict in the Middle East, Kamala Harris decided to pivot to trying to convince Rahma that "bacon is a spice," noting that it's "pure flavor" when she received pushback.
Yes, she tried to discuss the finer points of how great bacon is with a Muslim. You can't make this stuff up. //
She's a cyborg. I'm convinced of it at this point. Harris was pieced together by scientists using bolts and duct tape. If she wasn't, she'd have been able to have a normal discussion like a human being about something not deeply offensive to the person interviewing her. Recall that this is the same person whose office had to hold a mock cocktail dinner to prep her on how to drink wine and talk to world leaders.
This is what happens when you have an empty suit running for president. Because Harris has never had an original thought in her life, everything is scripted and force-fed to her. That means when the teleprompter goes out, either literally or figurately, she has nowhere to go. That's how you end up with her riffing on bacon while talking to a Muslim. It's laughable. //
HadEnoughYet? 22 minutes ago
The female version of Ron Burgundy.