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Now, when the chips are down, we see that our "allies and partners" have figured out what the rest of us have. The US is an erratic, unstable, and unreliable ally. It will abandon you at the drop of a hat. It will do profoundly stupid stuff without a second thought. American military leadership is so weak and feeble that you need to think twice about placing your men and ships under American command.
On the whole, I think we can safely say that Joe Biden has fully implemented Barack Obama's "lead from behind" strategy. Our military is so physically weak that it can't do some missions alone and is perceived as so incompetent that no one cares to follow us. //
Proud American Patriot
11 hours ago
Another major foreign policy failure by the Biden Administration. We cannot expect other countries to follow the U. S. lead when we have a weak, compromised and corrupt president who cannot make clear and decisive decisions. //
streiff Proud American Patriot
11 hours ago
Bingo. I needed to see this before I finished the post. It is a great summary. //
Laocoön of Troy Brubaker5
6 hours ago
And the failure to figure out what exactly were we trying to accomplish was what the Weinburger Doctrine was designed to fix. It failed because the Bush family loved interventions and they were jealous of Reagan's success. They shelved the Weinburger Doctrine because it limited them too much. They wanted to engage in world affairs independent of what Reagan accomplished. //
Asurea streiff
6 hours ago
Near as I can figure, the most sensible goal to take on for Iraq and Afghanistan would have been to find a dictator we could stomach and with the personal ability to keep their country under control, and support them. Alternatively, just keeping chopping heads off the snake until one fits those criteria... that would have probably been more effective, if far bloodier. //
Dieter Schultz Asurea
5 hours ago
I've argued this before... we need a 'failed state' protocol that, while we neutralize any threats to targets outside of the "states'" borders, we leave the state in both incapable of striking other nations and, this has to be right up there as a priority, prohibited from exploitation by other nations like China, Russia, and Iran.
The 'failed state' protocol must allow us to, like in the case of Yemen, take out any power within the states' borders that are threatening other nations' shipping or, like Afghanistan, coordinating attacks on other countries like the US.
The idea that a national boundary in a 'failed state' is sacrosanct needs to be rejected if, and only if, they are allowing extra-territorial attacks on other countries' interests.